Sedona, Arizona – Part 3

This is a continuation of my early morning shoot at Cathedral Rock, near Sedona, Arizona.

After the very brief golden “hour” at Cathedral Rock, I began to work my way back towards the trail and look for other photographic subjects.

Agave Monochrome

There were numerous Agave around, so I made numerous images of those, converting this one to monochrome.

Curly Grass

And scattered clumps of grass with curly blades.

Early Morning Arizona Sky

Just after the sun’s brief appearance, the cloud cover became heavier and obscured the sun.  There were interesting rock features across the valley, so I used those as fore and middle ground to capture those magnificent clouds in the sky.

Early Morning Clouds
An August Morning in Arizona

There were a few ocotillo with vibrant greenery and other trees in the area.  I used those as foreground with Cathedral Rock in the background.  This required focus stacking images to get good depth of field.

Cradling Bough
Ocotillo and Cathedral Rock
Ocotillo, Agave and Cathedral Rock
Old Tree and Cathedral Rock

This wraps up this morning’s shoot.

Thanks for following,



Mid-Day Drive along Western Colorado State Roads, July 2020

The last full day of our stay at Ridgway State Park, the weather report predicted a high chance of rain, so we decided it best to avoid the dirt 4WD roads and stick mostly to paved and/or well maintained gravel roads.

So from the city of Ridgeway, Colorado, we traveled CO 62 to CO 145 to CO 141, making a big loop back to US 50 near Delta, CO and back to US 550 at Montrose.

This route took us through some beautiful canyons along the San Miguel and Dolores Rivers.

We stopped for a picnic lunch at a newly made overlook of the Dolores River.

A lunch break overlooking the Dolores River, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
A dizzying view down onto the Dolores River. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
An overlook view of the Dolores River along CO 141. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/400s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
An overlook along the Delores River, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/500s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
Colorado Wildlife. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm (before crop), f/11, 1/250s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

I spotted a number of small lizards scampering around the rocks along the overlook.  One even got aggressive with my son, charging at him as he briefly looked away.  I guess that lizard thought his personal space was being violated.

A small Colorado inhabitant. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm (before crop), f/11, 1/320s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
A piece of weathered wood in a rock niche. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

I’m always drawn to the twisted, weathered evergreen type trees that grow in these arid environments.

A weathered and twisted evergreen tree along CO 141. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/250s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

A close up of the lower trunk details of the tree above:

A weathered and twisted evergreen tree along CO 141. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

Below our lunch site we could see a marker type sign beside the dirt road on the opposite side of the river.  After lunch, we decided to backtrack to find that dirt road and check it out.

More on that side trip in the next post,
