On my way home from my March road trip, a fierce storm was blowing in from the west. In the wide open space of the high plains, the distant storm front was visible for much of my journey. The storm front itself was interesting, but when I came upon an area with windmills, I had to stop to capture a few images.

This wide angle view captures the old ranch windmill and structure along with the modern, electric generating windmills in the distance and the massive storm clouds with rain in the distance.
I zoomed in to get more detail of the old windmill and its contrast with the modern windmills.

Zooming in has the disadvantage of removing some of the storm clouds.
On the opposite side of the roadway there were more windmills much closer to the road.

As I continued my journey to my overnight stop in Amarillo, Texas, the wind became more fierce, buffeting my vehicle all the way. The wind whipped up much dust north of Amarillo. The storm continued through out the night and I awoke to a dusting of snow and a light blowing snow, which continued for a short distance on the final day of my homeward bound journey.
I arrive home safely in the afternoon and now I have to look forward to another, as yet unplanned journey.
Until then,