Indiana Fall 2022 – Part 6 – Old Automobiles

Frazer – Sunburst Master

I do not recall seeing, or even being aware of,  a Frazer automobile prior to finding several in a parking lot at an antique/junk place in Edinburg, Indiana.  The one in the photo above is in rather good condition for its age.

I included Sunburst Master in the title of the photograph, because of the many (more than 20)  sunburst reflections in the chrome.

There were lots of unsightly distractions around the automobiles here, so I did my best to exclude those in my images, which greatly restricted how I could photograph the vehicles.

DeSoto – Fluid Drive
DeSoto – Reflections
Rover 75
Rusty Frazer
Pennsylvania 76
Rusty Frazer 2
Tied Down
Packard Fade
No Registration
Fading Automobile
Nash Grill

Those wanting to learn more about these antique autos can learn about them at these (and other websites via online search): Frazer, DeSoto, Rover 75, Ford PU Truck, Packard.To be continued,


Indiana, Fall 2022, Part 3 – Rustic Farm Barn and Sheds

Monochrome Barn

Traveling an Indiana backroad I saw a group of old, rustic farm structures in various stages of structural failure.  The roadway was narrow.  Parking alongside the roadway and photographing from the roadway would not be satisfactory nor very safe.  There was only one house nearby, so I stopped and knocked on the door.  A lady with her hair in curlers opened the door and I briefly explained why I was there, asking if it would be ok for me to photography those old structures.  She quickly said she was sure it would be ok, although, I’m rather sure she was not the owner, but maybe others have asked her this same question.

There was a short grassy, dirt road at the old buildings.  I parked on that dirt road, just off of the pavement far enough for safety and proceeded to walk around the area photographing the buildings from various angles.

Gathering Grass – Monochrome with Selective Colorization

A rolling stone may gather no moss, but a stationary wheel can gather grass.

Indiana Farm Sheds
Fall Lounge

I lived in a house with this same number many years ago.

Wet, Rusty, Tin Roof
Full Tilt Fall
Log Barn
Colorful Fall Hillside

After photographing the rustic farm building, I continued to meander around the backroads looking for other fall photographic opportunities.  This final photo is a teaser for the next post.


Road Trip Photography Between Destinations – September 2022, Part 1

When traveling from one destination to another, I always keep an eye out for interesting subjects to photograph.  Taking time to stop and photograph in route helps to break up a trip and it is good to take breaks from sitting in a vehicle for hours at a time.  So if I can afford the time, I will stop as often as necessary to capture images along my route.

Fading Away

There are many abandoned homes throughout rural areas.  Often these can be photographed from a public roadway.  These abandoned places are always on private property and nearly always posted with “No Trespassing” signs.  Please respect others’ property and obey these postings or get permission for access.

Peeling – An abandoned rural church.
Abandoned Church
Bird House
Abandoned Farm or Ranch Home
Abandoned Home and Farm Sheds
Terrestrial Lean

When shooting such scenes during a road trip, one can’t be too choosy about the time of day or the lighting conditions.  It is best to get a shot, when the opportunity arrises, as one may never pass this way again.  Indeed, on this trip and others, I’ve often used the excuse of being in a hurry or worrying too much about  shooting conditions and passed up opportunities.  I nearly always regret those decisions.

More road trip shooting next,



Badlands National Park, Day 5 – Sunrise Photography Part B

This is a continuation of my sunrise shoot on day 5 of my time in Badlands National Park, South Dakota, September 2022.

Light Arc, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM

As I was about to wrap up my morning shoot, I decided to experiment with compositional variations using the wide area of grass in the area where I had been shooting as a foreground with Badlands features in the background.

Grassland and Badlands 1, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM

I changed my distance from the Badlands and modified the zoom to include more or less of the background and more or less of the foreground.

Grasslands and Badlands 2, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Grasslands and Badlands, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM

I like all of the images that I shot in this manner,

Badlands Emerge, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM

however, I think this final image, shot by going down a slope and shooting up at the background feature is the most dramatic.  This gives the impression of a vast sea of grass with the Badlands emerging from the grassland.

Until next time,



Rural Decay and Photography

The first day’s drive towards home was long and I had taken considerable time in the morning, stopping to shoot images in route between Hotchkiss and Gunnison.  I could not spare much more time for in route photo stops, but I knew there were a number of abandoned structures along the remaining route that I might want to stop to photograph, if conditions were suitable.

Abandoned Church

I’ve driven past this abandoned country church many times.  I always wanted to photograph it, but usually it was mid-day, with harsh light and clear sky, when I was passing by.  It was maybe mid-afternoon when I spotted it today, the light was not great, but at least there were big, fluffy clouds to add interest in the sky.  I decided today was maybe the best conditions that I would ever have to photograph here.

Abandoned Church, Monochrome

There is another small town in New Mexico with numerous abandoned structures, where I have stopped a couple of times to photograph, usually under harsh mid-day light.  Today it was late day, just before sunset, when I was in that neighborhood, so I had to stop to see what I could do with more favorable light.

Abandoned School 1
Abandoned School 2
Weathered Door of Abandoned School
Sunset School

I think these are the best photos of these abandoned schools that I have gotten to date.  It was just a matter of fortunate timing to be here as the sun was setting.

A few miles down the road, we noted a full, golden moon on the horizon.  If I had only hung around that small town, I might have had opportunities to get photos of those old abandoned structures with the golden moon in the shots.  We still had a few miles to our night’s lodging and in our haste to get there, I had again blown a good photographic opportunity, one that I will probably never have again.

Until next time,




Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 22 – Cathedral Valley Exploration

Layers of Mystery, iPhone Photo

My readers have already seen many photos of some of the fantastic, massive geological features in the Cathedral Valley portion of Capitol Reef National Park.  The long loop road through this area passes many such features.  We did not have time to explore around all of these and certainly not time to visit each area for golden hour sunrise or sunset photography.

But we did stop and walk around at some of the more easily accessible areas near the roadway.  Often, I would use my iPhone camera to capture the scenes, rather than lugging around a heavy DSLR and lens.

Magic Seeker, iPhone Photo
Desert Vortex – Sky and Earth, iPhone Photo
Rock Power, iPhone Photo
Commander/Tower of Power, iPhone Photo
Desert Sentinels/Commander and Sidekick, iPhone Photo
Cathedral Valley Scene, iPhone Photo
Sky Partitioner, iPhone Photo
Desert Sun, iPhone Photo
Serpent Sky, iPhone Photo
Halo, iPhone Photo

Until next time,



Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 5 – Cathedral Valley

This is a continuation of photographs shot in Cathedral Valley, Capitol Reef National Park shot in March of 2022.

Temple of the Moon
Temple of the Sun
Desert Dry
Temples of the Sun and Moon
Serene Blue and Red
Gypsum Sinkhole

This sinkhole is deeper than this photo makes it appear.  Falling in would be undesirable.

Sky Line

To be continued,


Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 4 – Cathedral Valley

One of the most fascinating areas in Capitol Reef National Park is Cathedral Valley, located in the northeastern portion of the park.  There are two access routes into/through this area from Utah Highway 24.  The access closest to the visitor center requires a river ford, while the other, nearer Hanksville, does not require a river ford and gets into the most scenic portion much sooner than the river ford access point.

The geology in this area is varied and great for photography.  We visited numerous times and only scratched the surface of the photographic opportunities here.  I will devote a number of post to this area.

Cathedral Valley

Initially, we hit the most popular areas in this very large valley and scouted for the places we wanted to get to at golden hours, which was a challenge, given the many miles of driving to get here from our lodging and the limited time we had to work this very large area.

Cathedral Valley Monoliths
Cathedral Valley Monoliths

I see opportunities to organize my photographs of this area into themes, but rather than take the organizational time required for that at this time, I’m posting images in the order that they were taken.

Desert Shadows – Black and White
Desert Sand, Vegetation and Shadows – Black and White
Desert Life – Black and White
Dead Grass and Shadows – Black and White
Sunburst – Black and White

Enough for now, more later,


Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 3 – Capitol Gorge

South of the Capitol Reef National Park Visitor Center at the end of the paved road is the Capitol Gorge Trailhead.  We hiked a short distance down the canyon, then up a short, steep trail to check out natural water tanks formed in low places along a water drainage.

I captured a few images in the canyon in route.

Capitol Gorge and Hiker/Photographer
Capitol Gorge
Standing Tall – Black and White with Selective Colorization
Defiance – Trees atop Canyon Walls – Black and White with Selective Colorization
Reflection in a Natural Water Tank

The snow like blobs in these photos are foamy floaters in the water.

Water Tank
Icy Water Tank and Arch
Green Gold – Tree adjacent to the tanks – Black and White with Selective Colorization
Arch below Tanks

Water flow has cut through rock forming a small arch along the occasional stream bed.

Old Visitor Register – Enhanced to bring out faded writing

Early visitors in this canyon left their names and dates high up on the canyon wall.  These marking are much higher than anyone other than a giant can reach.  Maybe some stood on horses or wagons to leave their mark here or maybe the canyon was not as deep many years ago?

Parched, Hopeful – Capitol Reef Desert Scene

I cannot recall where in the park this final photo was taken, but I think it was shot along the unimproved dirt road that continues past the end of the paved roadway from the Capitol Gorge Trailhead parking area.

More later,



Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 1

In late March of 2022, I drove to my oldest son’s home north of Denver, Colorado and we drove together to Capitol Reef National Park in Utah.  We lodged in the small town of Torrey, just west of the park.

Since we arrived late in the day, we only got out for a brief visit to the park visitor center and a stop at a nearby overlook trail, where we shot a few handheld images.

Past Prime
Monochrome Tree

The sky was overcast, the light well suited for muted monochrome images.

Rock Trees
Abstract (Rock Texture)
Old and Gnarly

This old tree stump looked different, depending upon the angle of view.

Dancing among the Rocks

The color image of this old tree stump with this angle of view reminded me of a dancer’s torso, but when I showed this one to my grandson, he saw two dogs back to back.  I have to admit that I had a similar initial interpretation, but only seeing one blunt snout dog with long ears trailing behind it.  I still prefer the dancer interpretation.

80% Expended
Life on the Edge

I have not had time to go through all of my photos from this trip and just barely got time to write this initial post, more will follow; but I may not be able to keep up with my preferred schedule of two posts per week.  (Every trip leads to much to do to catch up at home).

Be safe and well,
