Windmills and Storm

On my way home from my March road trip, a fierce storm was blowing in from the west.  In the wide open space of the high plains, the distant storm front was visible for much of my journey.  The storm front itself was interesting, but when I came upon an area with windmills, I had to stop to capture a few images.

Windmills and Storm

This wide angle view captures the old ranch windmill and structure along with the modern, electric generating windmills in the distance and the massive storm clouds with rain in the distance.

I zoomed in to get more detail of the old windmill and its contrast with the modern windmills.

Windmills and Storm

Zooming in has the disadvantage of removing some of the storm clouds.

On the opposite side of the roadway there were more windmills much closer to the road.

Prairie Windmills and Storm

As I continued my journey to my overnight stop in Amarillo, Texas, the wind became more fierce, buffeting my vehicle all the way.  The wind whipped up much dust north of Amarillo.  The storm continued through out the night and I awoke to a dusting of snow and a light blowing snow, which continued for a short distance on the final day of my homeward bound journey.

I arrive home safely in the afternoon and now I have to look forward to another, as yet unplanned journey.

Until then,




Panum Volcano Cone, California

Near Mono Lake there is a volcanic cone called Panum.  Panum is not a dormant volcano.  This area is monitored by geologists for any signs of activity that might signal another eruption.

There is a 2.1 mile loop trail around the Panum crater. My son and I hike a portion of this trail.  Mono Lake and the Sierra Nevada are visible from portions of the trail.

Obsidian Sitter

Large chunks of obsidian are common along the hiking trail.

More Obsidian
Layered Obsidian and Pumice

In addition to the large chunks of obsidian there are common layered rocks of obsidian and pumice scattered around the area.

Relic – Monochrome of an old tree remnant.
A view of the Sierra Nevada from the crater trail

A portion of the trail is visible in the lower portion of this image.

Panum Crater Information

This information sign is posted at the trailhead.

This wraps up my March visit to California.

Thanks for following,



Alabama Hills Scouting Photos Part 8

This is the final part of exploring Alabama Hills, California and capturing scouting photos with a phone camera.

Rocks Against the Sky

The rock on the right reminds me of a turtle stretching its neck out to bask in sunlight.

Mountain Storm
Rock Walker
Sky Pointers
Desert Wildflowers
Sky Pointers 2

Sky Pointers 2 is a view from behind Sky Pointers.

Sky Awe

The rock on the left seems especially in awe of the sky.

Sky Awe 2
Sierra Nevada Storm

I promise to move on to photos from other areas in upcoming posts,


Rushing a Post, While Traveling Is Not a Good Idea

Dear Readers,

My wife and I just returned from a long road trip.  I hastily put together posts, whenever I had time and a descent internet connection during that road trip.

Today, I noted a failure to update a copy and paste title for one post and duplication of photos from one post to another.

It is, indeed, not a good idea to rush such things, especially when operating under less than ideal conditions.

I hope such errors have not caused you as much confusion (not to mention the embarrassment), as it has for me,


Alabama Hills Scouting Photos Part 7

More iPhone scouting photos from Alabama Hills, California, March 2024.

Exploring the Pointy Rocks
Big Blue Sky and Big Rocks
Old Tree
Rocks and Clouds
Storm over Sierra Nevada
Gap View
Distant Storm 2
Nature’s Puzzle Pieces
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers 2

Until next time,


Death Valley – Brief Visit and iPhone Photos

My son and I made a trip into Death Valley from Lone Pine, thinking we might return for more serious photography, but the distance and the timing difficulty steered us away from that idea.

Yet it was good to see Badwater Basin with the shallow lake created by the recent heavy rains.  It appears that this unusual event attracted others, too.  there were lots of people, more than I had seen there in previous visits, in the park.

Badwater Basin
Long Walk

The road to Devil’s Golf Course was closed, requiring a long walk to see that feature.

Death Valley Salt
Death Valley Salt 2
Brown and White

Shallow water covers the salt that appears brown and the salt protruding above the water is white.

Death Valley Salt 3

The salt is showing indications of forming geometrical patterns typical of this salt as it dries.  The heavy rains have destroyed or muted such patterns.

Salt Walker
Rugged Salt

We stopped a little short of the turn in the road, which goes by the traditional Devil’s Golf Course, but this rugged salt is what we would expect to see there.  The rains have muted some of the sharp features that I recall from previous visits.

The Long Walk Back
Beer and Pizza Time

Back in Lone Pine, we had Pizza and Beer for dinner.  This IPA seemed a fitting choice after our time in Death Valley.

Until next time,



March 2024 iPhone Photos – Part 6

More scouting photos in Alabama Hills, California, March 2024.

The Eye and the Cloud
Clear Eyed
The Eye’s View
The View at the Eye
Shark Fin Arch
Arch View
Pillsbury Doughboy

Ok, this vandalized arch is called “Surprise Arch” (I think), but it looks more like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

I’ll have more iPhone images in the next post, but from an area well outside of Alabama Hills, so stay tuned,



March 2024 iPhone Photos – Part 5

And even more iPhone scouting photos in Alabama Hills, California.

Basic Earth 4
Life Cycles 2
Grassy Gap 2
Cyclops Arch, Alabama Hills, California
Cyclops Arch, Alabama Hills, California
Boot Arch, Alabama Hills, California

This monochrome version of an iPhone photo was chosen for Flickr’s Explore page July 25, 2024.  The bright white clouds behind the arch draws the eye to the arch.  Against a clear, bland sky, a photo of this arch would be much less interesting, maybe even boring.

Boot Arch and Sierra Nevada
The Head

I called this natural rock feature “The Head”, because it looks like a head on a neck looking across the broad valley into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, maybe thinking it would be cooler to be in those mountains, under a blanket of snow, rather than stuck down here forever.

The Eye

The arch on top of the weathered, massive rock outcrop is called The Eye of Alabama Hills.

The Eye of Alabama Hills, California

From this view point, The Eye feature reminds me of a big eyed puppy draped over its owner’s body, peering into its master’s eyes.

Thanks for following my posts,


March 2024 iPhone Photos – Part 4

More iPhone scouting photos of Alabama Hills, California.

Cloudy Day in Alabama Hills
Basic Earth
Frayed and Bent
Cloud Reverence 5
Grassy Gap
Basic Earth 2
Life Cycles
Basic Earth 3
Evolving Earth

Until next time,


March 2024 iPhone Photos – Part 3

This is a continuation of iPhone photos shot in and around Alabama Hills, California in March 2024.

Rocky Underpass
Sign of the Times?
Did Someone Drop a Marble?
Astragalus Coccineus
Alabama Hills Rocks and Sierra Nevada
Alabama Hills and Sierra Nevada
Grassy Path to the Sky
Alabama Hills and Sierra Nevada
Astragalus Coccineus 2

More later,
