Back at Alabama Hills, March 20, 2024

After our morning shoot at the Hot Creek Geothermal Area, we returned to Alabama Hills, with no clue about where to shoot at sunset.  So we drove around looking for someplace inspiring our imagination.  We failed with the inspiration and finally settled upon the location for the movie Gunga Din, simply because we had no more time to scout around.

There are still a few remnants from the movie set, where a bridge had been constructed over a ravine.

March 20, 2024

I don’t know how these gears were used, but there were at least a couple of these embedded in or near the roadway.

March 20, 2024

There were some concrete items, which I assume were anchors for the bridge, in some of the rocks near the roadway.

I wandered around the area looking for potential sunset shots, finding little inspiration, but I did get a few images that I liked.

March 20, 2024
Moon Gazers
March 20, 2024
Rugged, Rocky Planet
March 20, 2024
Rock Garden
March 20, 2024
One Sierra Evening

And that’s it for this shoot.  We have a plan for tomorrow morning, so stay tuned to see how that works out.


Salvaging the Day

After a day of browsing and walking around in Ouray and Telluride, quaint, old Colorado tourist towns, we had dinner in Ridgway.  I had hoped to be able to rush up the highway toward or over the Dallas Divide from Ridgway, after dinner for sunset photography,  but we were a little late getting out and the service was slow at our restaurant.  By the time we finished dinner, it was too late to go anywhere.  Arriving back at our lodging and resigned to having lost my opportunity for sunset photography today, I hoisted my camera backpack, grabbed my tripod and camera and began to walk into the lodge. Then I noted golden sunset light on the nearest mountaintops.  So I jogged down the road past the inn to get past other buildings, power lines and trees to try to get into a location to shoot the rapidly changing scene before the light faded away.

Eventide 2
Day’s Final Performance
Moon, Sunset Clouds and Fading Mountain Light
Day’s End

As the sunset light faded away, I walked back towards the inn, stopping to photograph grass and wildflowers in the dim evening light.

Grass and Wildflowers
Grass 1
Grass 2
Fuzzy, old head

What will tomorrow bring?

Until then,
