Old Mill

Determined to find an old abandoned truck, that we had been told about, along a 4 wheel drive road, we continued on past Animas Forks.

We had been told that the old truck was just beside the road about a quarter of a mile past Animas Forks.  Yet we drove much farther than a quarter of a mile, passing the old mill we had been told about, too.

At some point past the old, abandoned mill, we decided that we had either missed the truck or that it was much farther along the roadway than we had been told.  We turned back and stopped to photograph the old mill.  As I was getting my camera out, the retired photographer, who had told us about the truck, drove up and informed me that he had been mistaken about the abandoned truck being right next to the road.  Instead, it was up on a hill at the end of a short spur road.  He even pointed to the truck that was barely visible in the distance.

I shot a few photos of the old mill, before back tracking to the old truck.

Mill Reflection
Abandoned Mine Mill
Old Mine Mill 1
Old Mine Mill 2

Next abandoned truck,


Mid-Day Exploration, Colorado, July 2020, Part 2

During one of our drives on US 550 between Ouray and Silverton, we noted an unmarked gravel road heading towards a mountainside, but it appeared to end after a short distance, so we initially ignored it.   On a subsequent trip past it, we decided to check it out.

After driving a short distance, not being able to see the road ahead and concerned there might not be a place to turn around on the narrow road, we decide it might be best to park at a wider spot in the road and walk ahead.  We did not have to walk far to the end of this road, but it was mostly uphill.  Fortunately, it was not very steep.

We passed a small, cascading mountain stream, which crossed the roadway.

A small waterfall just off of US 550 in Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

Even though this was not a big stream, it was attractive and captivating as most such streams tend to be.

The road ended at what appeared to be a minor mine exploratory site.  A mountain stream with a long section of it visible going up the mountain side ran past the site.  I made a number of images shooting down onto the stream nearest the roadway, but I could not get any attractive compositions that way.

Scrambling down rocky ledges away from the roadway and up the stream, gave better views of the stream and the wildflowers along the stream edge.

Mountain stream cascades and wildflowers. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/11, 1/60s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

The photo above is an example of including too much in an image.  The stream acts as a leading line, but there is no center of interest in this photo.  My eye goes to the most prominent part of the cascade in the lower left; but when my eye follows the stream towards the upper right, I do not see anything of great impact.  I was zoomed in as much as possible with the 24-70mm lens, so I could not isolate anything any better from my view point.  I could try cropping this image on portions of the image and maybe make a more interesting one; but the composition cannot be changed via cropping.  Getting closer to a portion of the stream might have been the only way to get an impactful image here.

In the distance I could see a waterfall.  I think the image below is better, but the waterfall in the upper right is maybe too distant to have real weight.  Still I think this image has some intrigue, making one want to know more about what is in the distance down the stream.

A mountain stream with cascades and waterfalls. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/25s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

It was beginning to rain lightly and we were not wearing rain gear, so we decided to head back to the vehicle and save exploring along this stream up to the waterfall for another time.  It began raining harder as we walked along.  I put my hat over my camera to protect it, which resulted in my getting more wet.  Fortunately, it was not a Texas type rainstorm.

Thanks for following,


Mid-Day Exploration in the San Juan Mountain Range, July 2020, Part 1

During our July, 2020 stay in Ridgway State Park, Colorado, after our early morning photo shoots, my son drove us around the area, exploring 4WD roads and other Colorado State and County Roads.

I captured some of the local scenery with either my DSLR or my mobile phone camera.  I will share a few of these photographs in several blog posts.

There are numerous 4WD roads and county roads that can be accessed from US 550, aka The Million Dollar Highway, which is a treat in itself to drive.

An abandoned mine site near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
An abandoned mine site near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 26mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

This area is rich in minerals with many old, abandoned mine sites, as well as modern mining operations.

An old mine site near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/11, 1/200s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

My son posed an interesting question while walking around the mine site shown in the images above,  “Did the miners who worked here enjoy the beauty of this setting or were their lives so hard that they did not appreciate this scenery”?

I think some, at least, would have admired the local beauty, while maybe others just wanted to be drinking in a saloon and enjoying other delights of a more populous area.

Remnants of an old wheel at an abandoned mine site near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 50mm, f/11, 1/80s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.
Abandoned mine site near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 62mm, f/16, 1/250s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

We stopped to enjoy our picnic style lunch at the site of these last two images.

A lone tree on mine tailings near Silverton, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 45mm, f/16, 1/320s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Modules.

We were all immediately drawn to the lone evergreen tree standing near the top of a large mound of mine tailing.  This image, was selected for Flickr’s Explore page, the day it was posted, much to my surprise, as I was not too keen on this photograph, waffling about whether to crop it more severely to remove some of the bottom, making the tree more prominent.  After lunch, I even tried shooting this again with my phone camera, as I kept thinking none of my photographs were capturing this well and the story told by my photograph would not be clear.

On the mountainside across the road from our lunch site was a beautiful, long waterfall.  We were too far away to get a photograph of that fall.  Even my 400mm lens, if I had had it with me, would not have been sufficient to get a suitable close up shot of that waterfall and one might have to cross private property to approach that mountainside.  I will try to remember that waterfall and maybe try to get nearer to it on a subsequent visit.

Until next time,




Governor Basin, Colorado, July 2020

After one of our morning photo shoots in Yankee Boy Basin, we decided to check out Governor Basin, which is accessed via a 4WD road off of the road to Yankee Boy Basin.

We only planned to spend a few minutes in the basin, since we wanted to get back down before the morning traffic, typically tour groups or people in rented jeeps traveling the 4WD roads in this area, complicated the drive back down the narrow roadway on the mountainside.

Consequently, I did not get out my DSLR and other camera gear.  I walked around with my iPhone getting images of the general area and the many wildflowers in the meadow here.

A panoramic view in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

There is an old mine site in this basin, along with a currently operating mine.  The mine is on private property and off limits for visitors.

An old mine site in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

I was not initially aware of the profusion of wildflowers here, until I walked away from our parking location on the roadway.

Columbines in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

Initially, I only saw a few batches of wildflowers among the large boulders scattered around near our vehicle.

Western Yellow Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Chiming Bells in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Western Yellow Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

As I walked further along the roadway, over a slight rise, I began to see large batches of wildflowers.

Wildflower Meadow in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Governor Basin Wildflower Meadow. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

I’m not a wildflower expert, so I cannot guarantee that I’ve got the names of the wildflowers correct.  In trying to identify the flowers via online information, I find that many of the sources have inadequate photos (small, too far away, low resolution), making it difficult to have complete confidence in the identification.  There also appear to be hybrids of some of the flowers with variations in colors.  I suppose I will have to acquire wildflower books to do a better job with this task.  If readers note misidentified flowers, please let me know.

Rosy Paint Brush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Rosy Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Paintbrush variations? Governor Basin Wildflowers. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Paintbrush variations? Governor Basin Wildflowers. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

I got down low with my iPhone to get close ups of some of the wildflowers with the mountains in the background, focusing on the nearby flowers with the background out of focus.  Since I only used my iPhone, I could squat down among the flowers and avoid trampling them, which I might have done had I used a tripod and DSLR.

Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Rosy Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.

Since the background was already blurry and not the focus of my images, I used a vignette blur or a lens vignette on some of the images to aid in directing the eye onto the subject matter.

Western Yellow Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Wildflowers in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Western Yellow Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Rosy Paintbrush in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Rosy Paintbrush and Chiming Bells in Governor Basin, Colorado. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and/or DxO Nik software.
Rosy Paint Brush and Chiming Bell Flowers in Governor Basin, Colorado.

I have used artistic license in the shooting and editing of these photos in an attempt to get striking images.  I hope that I have not over done the editing and that viewers will enjoy these images.

Until next time,


Yankee Boy Basin, Colorado, July 2020, Part 1

I photographed a number of times in Yankee Boy Basin, near Ouray, Colorado during my July, 2020 summer visit to Colorado.  The main reason for returning to this area several times, is a simple one.  It just happened to be the closest, most easily accessible place for scenic landscape photography from the state park where my son, his wife, and I were staying.

Late day in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/22, 1.0s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

Navigating rocky, bouncy 4WD roads is required for access to many of the best places for landscape photography in this area and Yankee Boy Basin is one that my son felt most confident in being able to get to safely, early in the morning, then have time for other daytime exploration.  In the evening, it was possible to photograph here at sunset and get back down the 4WD road before total darkness set in and we would get back to our campsites in time to get a reasonably good night’s sleep before getting up again in the early morning hours for a sunrise shoot.

There is a mountain stream with a number of waterfalls along it here.  The middle two falls seem to be the most photogenic, so we spent much of our time in that area.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/5s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

To get the image above, I stood right up against the closest part of the waterfall on the right side of the photo, backing into a bush, shooting downstream at 14mm to get the waterfall on my right into the shot.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/4s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

There were wildflowers growing along the stream and I often included those in my images.  The image above is made looking upstream at this waterfall, while standing in the edge of the stream bed.  Even at 14mm from my position, I could only get a small portion of the waterfall in the photograph, while also including the wildflowers along the stream edge.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 0.4s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

Standing a bit further back from the falls, on a rock ledge at the edge of the stream, I could get the entire waterfall in the image, while including the wildflowers and the rock outcrop on the right.

Late day in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 0.4s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

Since I’ve photographed in this area a number of times, I tried not to duplicate compositions from other shoots, which is not easily avoided.  It takes some work to avoid the most common compositions here.  I had some reservations about the composition in the above image, thinking it is too complex, but I have gotten some positive feedback on it, so I guess it worked better than I anticipated.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/3s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

Readers will note the heavily overcast sky in most of these images.  I always like to have clouds to give the sky more interest, but heavy overcast can limit or eliminate the “golden” hour light at sunrise and/or sunset.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/4s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

The image above is taken a few yards downstream from a waterfall, looking downstream at the mountainside in the distance.  During one similar photo shoot one afternoon, there was a family of three or four (man, wife and one or two young boys) in the area.  I kept trying to avoid them and had to wait several times as they walked into and out of my compositions.  If you are a purist landscape photographer, you know we try to avoid people in our shots most of the time.  Some tourists know this and try to minimize their interference with photographers, while others are totally unconcerned about walking directly in front of a photographer.  While composing an image similar to the one above, something hit the graduated neutral density filter mounted on the front of my lens, startling me, and I immediately heard the father, standing above me on the stream’s bank,  scolding one of the boys.  It turned out that the boy was throwing rocks in an indiscriminate manner and it was one of those rocks that struck my camera.  If not for the flexibility of the filter, it would have shattered rather than just get scratched.  If not for the filter, the lens would have most likely had significant damage.  Neither of the parents said a word to me about this event.  I had expected one would have at least inquired about damage and apologized for the kid’s action, which might have resulted in an injury and/or significant camera gear damage.  The scratches on the filter sometimes result in light streaks in my images.  Fortunately, I had the filter and much of my more expensive camera gear insured via scheduled property on my homeowner’s insurance policy, so I recuperated much of the replacement cost of the filter.

Early morning in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/4s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.  Looking downstream at the base of a waterfall.

Yankee Boy Basin is popular with hikers and a good campsite for those that want to get the necessary early morning start on a hike up Mount Sneffels.  Still we saw only a few people during our early morning and late day visits here.

It is common to get afternoon thunderstorms in the upper elevations of the Rocky Mountains, but during the time we were here, there were more than the usual storms.  Some days were rainy for much of the day, which limited the time interval with our favorite light at sunrise and/or sunset.  We had to sometimes cut short our photography time to avoid the rain and get back down the mountainside before getting caught in a storm.

Of all the photos that I shot here, the one below is my favorite.

Sunset light in Yankee Boy Basin, July 2020. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/3s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 2.

This image has so much of what landscape photographers look for in an image, late day sunlight highlighting the mountain tops, light beams in the clouds, silky smooth, flowing water and a sinuous stream leading the eye from the waterfall into the image.  More prominent wildflowers would have made this even better.

Since we visited here multiple times, there will be at least one more post of photos from this area.  Please click on the images to view them in higher resolution on my Flickr page.

Thanks for following,


Porphyry Basin, Colorado

Porphyry Basin, Colorado is accessed via a narrow, steep 4WD road off of US550 between Ouray and Silverton.

My oldest son drove us up the road to the basin in July, 2020.  On the way up the mountainside, we passed a canvas tent with a stove pipe jutting from the top.  It was obvious that someone had set up that tent for a long term camp.  Upon arriving at the end of the 4WD road at an old mine site, it became apparent who was living in that heavy duty tent.  First we saw a large flock of sheep spread across the high mountain meadow, then a horse staked out nearby the roadway, two sheep dogs, and a lone shepherd watching over the sheep.

Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 50mm (before crop), f/11, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm (before crop), f/11, 1/160s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/16, 1/80s, ISO 250. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

We wandered around the old mine site with its collapsed wooden structure and other scattered debris, being careful to not step on old rusty nails or other potentially harmful items lying around on the ground.

K Marks The Spot, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

The basin is beautiful with an abundance of wildflowers, a mountain stream and a waterfall.  It was bright daylight so I hand held my Nikon D850, shooting with a fast shutter speed to freeze the motion of the flowers.  It was too bright to get a long exposure of the waterfall for that silky, flowing water effect.

Wildflowers and Waterfall, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall, Stream and Sheep in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall and Stream, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall and Stream in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/250s, ISO 500. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
An iPhone image of wildflowers in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

Higher resolution images can be viewed on my Flickr page by clicking on the images in this post.

Thanks for following,



Colorado 2018 Fall Road Trip – Owl Creek Pass Road, Day 1 – Photo Scouting

After shooting near Dallas Divide in the early morning of September 18, I stopped  at a little coffee house in Ridgway for a cup of coffee and a breakfast taco, then topped off the fuel tank, since I planned to be in the mountains with no services for several days.

I then proceeded to Owl Creek Pass Road, aka County Road 8 and forest access road 858, when it enters the national forest.  There are spur roads off of 858, along which are dispersed forest campsites.  The campsites are free and available on a first come basis.  The best sites are always popular, so it is best to find one before very late in the day.  There are also several fee campgrounds near the Silvercreek Reservoir that are run by the National Forest Service.  Those campsites are nestled in Aspens, have trash service, pit toilets and potable water available (no RV hookups at the campsites).  There are also pit toilets near some of the dispersed camping areas.

Most of the dispersed campsites have fire pits constructed of local rocks and some even have free firewood stacked at the sites, which I did not take advantage of, not wanting to reek of smoke and having to tend to the fire late into an evening;  even though, I would have really enjoyed a cheerful, crackling fire.

Free firewood at a campsite. (iPhone photo).

Owl Creek Pass Road is rated as an easy, maintained, 4-wheel drive road and usually drivable by an ordinary passenger vehicle.  It is wide enough in most places for vehicles to pass and there are pull outs along the road, otherwise.

There was road maintenance (new gravel and grading) work going on over the lower portion of the forest road during my visit, which caused very little delay; but I did have to follow a grader over one stretch during one day on the road and shared the roadway with dump trucks a couple of times.

The road can be washboarded, which was the worst condition, other than mud after a rain, that I encountered.  Most of the worst washboarding was on county road 8 prior to getting to the forest road.

The drive itself is quite scenic along all of the forest road and along the spur roads, which I explored, scouting for a good campsite that would allow for late afternoon and maybe even early morning photos without having to drive to another location.  I was fortunate to find a very nice, secluded site with great view from the site and good photo opportunities within short walking distances from the site.

Somewhere along Owl Creek Pass Road. As you can see, it was a bit hazy and partly cloudy and the Aspens are in mixed color change. (iPhone photo)
Along the route, I could get glimpses of large patches of Aspens in full color. (iPhone photo)
The sign at the top of Owl Creek Pass. I could tell by the colors here and elsewhere along the route that I should have plenty of fall color to photo and enjoy. (iPhone photo)

In fact my site was so good that a couple walked by as I was setting up the solar panels, came back by in a few minutes and hailed me.  They asked how long I would be staying, since they wanted to bring friends up to camp and they said my site would be perfect.  I told them that I anticipated only staying for the night and would then move on in search of another site.  We chatted a bit.  I learned that they had a place in Telluride and Tucson, Arizona, staying in Telluride in the summer and Arizona in the winter.  They were intrigued by my camper vehicle, as most people are that see it, asking lots of questions about it.

A panoramic view near my first campsite (iPhone photo)

After setting up the solar panels, I walked around near my selected campsite shooting scouting photos with my iPhone mid to late afternoon, checking locations which I thought would have favorable sunlight near sunset with interesting features to photograph.

This fence line blocked off an area near my first campsite to keep campers out so that damage caused by vehicles as seen in the lower right of this photo could be healed. (iPhone photo).
A wide angle view of the mountain side to the east of my first campsite. These features looked like they might get good sunset rays. And the clouds would add interest to the sky, if they were still around at sunset. (iPhone photo)
I think this craggy rock wall with the shadows within it would look awesome at sunset, but I was a bit concerned about the angle of the sunlight on these at sunset. (iPhone photo)
Another view of that craggy rock wall. (iPhone photo)
Another wide angle view of the mountainside to my east from a different view point. (iPhone photo)
A zoomed in view of a prominent feature on the mountain side east of my campsite with a variety of fall color. This should be a prime candidate for sunset photos, especially if the clouds hang around. (iPhone photo)
A view of the most prominent feature of the mountain side to my east, framed by trees. (iPhone photo)
Another view with slightly different framing. (iPhone photo).
If the light holds until near sunset that peak is looking better for sunset photos. (iPhone photo)
Those clouds are awesome, but I hope the clouds do not block the sunset rays or it becomes completely overcast at sunset. (iPhone photo)
The clouds are definitely putting some features in their shadows at this time. (iPhone photo)
Another view of the prominent mountainside feature with colorful foreground trees. (iPhone photo)
This photo was shot from the clear area just to the west of my first campsite.  It is a great view from a campsite. (iPhone photo)
A view of the creek just to the west of my first campsite. Those peaks in the background might get good light at sunset and maybe I could shoot along the creek at sunrise. (iPhone photo).
A natural, early Christmas Tree? Sitting in my camp chair, about an hour and a half prior to sunset, having a quick sandwich, I noticed that the very top of this evergreen tree was lit up like a Christmas Tree star ornament. (iPhone photo)

All of the photos in this post are via an iPhone.  I will follow up later with DSLR photos made at sunset at this location.

On the topic of iPhone and/or point and shoot cameras, one of my former work colleagues, an avid photographer and photographic mentor, has recently posted articles on National Parks Traveler about shooting with point and shoot cameras, including phone cameras.  [Check out her webpage, you will like what you see and may not want to come back to my site afterwards : > )].  I sometimes forget that I have a fairly good point and shoot camera (iPhone) in my pocket; but I have been trying to get into the habit of using it more often to capture scenes for scouting, reminders and documentation, when getting out the DSLR is not practical.

Thanks for following and don’t forget to comment and/or critique the photos or blog writing.



Road Trip Problems and Frustrations

I made a trip to Colorado in middle to late September to see fall colors and then down to the Bisti Badlands to shoot there while the temperature was not so hot, to explore new areas and to experiment with different lenses.

I was not at all sure that the colors would be good in Colorado, since I would be going a little earlier than the colors normally peak, but I only had a small window into which to fit this trip, so I took a chance.  I had seen reports that the colors were early in areas that were in drought conditions, so I knew that I had a good chance of seeing some color, even if not peak color.

As it turns out the colors were quite good with some trees past peak, but many just peaking or not even changed at all.  So it does look like the drought is affecting the timing of the color change and stretching out the color change interval.  Anyway, I’ll have more on the photography of the fall color in a subsequent post.

Looks like peak or near peak color here. (iPhone photo)
Trees seem to be in peak color near Monarch Pass. (iPhone photo)

As the title of this post implies, this trip was fraught with some not so good experiences.  This post is just to vent these frustrations and to reveal the problems one might encounter in any such road trip.  I’m sure others, who do these type trips in camper vehicles, have encountered much more serious problems.

The first negative event happened on the first leg of the journey somewhere between Wichita Falls and Claude, Texas along US287, which is a four lane divided highway along most of that route.  Approaching an 18 wheeler, I pulled into the left hand lane to pass, then the 18 wheeler pulled into the lane in front of me, moving over for another 18 wheeler that had pulled off of the road with some problem.  No problem, I just backed off a bit and the 18 wheeler began to pull back into the right lane as soon as it cleared the 18 wheeler that was parked on the shoulder.  The highway surface there consists of aggregate and asphalt.  As the truck changed lanes, it apparently kicked up a rock which hit the left edge of my windshield with a loud crack, creating not only a rock chip, but a crack about six inches long.  That crack continued to grow throughout my road trip and is now more than double its original length.  When the sunlight falls on the crack at just the right angle, it creates a bright spot that flashes directly into my eyes.  A new windshield will be required and I just had a minor rock chip repaired after my first real road trip in the vehicle.

Windshield crack that was initiated by a rock hitting the edge of windshield. (iPhone photo)

The second negative event happened that evening at my first stop in route.  I planned to sleep in the penthouse bed, since that is usually more comfortable and cooler than the bench seat bed in the back of the Sportsmobile.  I pushed the button to activate the motor to raise the penthouse top and immediately there were loud popping noises from the passenger side of the motorized mechanism.  I immediately lowered the roof (the driver’s side was going up and the other side went up less, creating a tilt to the roof).  I repeated this process, hoping that whatever was causing the problem would be cleared.  I gave up raising the penthouse after several attempts, not wanting to get the top stuck in an up position.  I had just had another issue with the penthouse installation repaired by Sportsmobile in Austin a few weeks prior and I had not tried to raise the roof until this trip.  (Lesson learned:  Always check anything that is worked on before driving away).

So what are the impacts of not being able to raise the top, other than not being able to use the penthouse bed?  Items stored on the platform behind the bench seat have to be distributed elsewhere in the vehicle to make the lower bed, then put back before traveling again.  This takes time and is somewhat of a pain to do.  The bedding (sheets, pillows, covers) all have to be packed away, while these can be left in place in the Penthouse.  The lower bed is much firmer than the upper bed (the bench seat and back platform are covered in leather and quite firm).  On the positive side, when it is cold outside, which it was several nights in the higher elevations, it is warmer sleeping below, rather than in the penthouse, since the penthouse walls are just canvas and/or plastic in the window areas.

A third concern, which turned out not to be a real issue, was noted when I returned from the first morning photo shoot.  I noted a small wet spot beneath the vehicle near the diesel furnace, which I had used for just a few minutes in the cold, early morning just after awakening.  Upon inspection, I saw a slow fluid drip beneath the vehicle.  My fear was that it was a diesel leak, but I quickly ruled that out by an inspection of the fluid, which had no odor or oiliness.  I knew the furnace used some type of coolant, so I figured it was a coolant leak from the furnace.  I had no cell signal where I was, so it was later in the day, as I moved around that I was able to communicate via messaging with Sportsmobile.  Since it was not diesel, it had to be a coolant leak or overflow and the coolant, as I learned from Sportsmobile, is just distilled water.  I did not see any continuation of the leak on subsequent mornings, after using the furnace, so I assume the drip was just an overflow of distilled water and I now know how to check and replenish the coolant.  I did note an electrical connection at the fuel pump for the furnace, that might need attention.  The electrical wiring is contained in a conduit up to near the pump, then the wires are exposed.  It appears that the conduit may have come loose at the pump.

The wet spot. (iPhone photo)

The fourth issue was noted, when I came down from the mountain camping, setting up at Ridgway State Park for an overnight stay prior to heading to Bisti.  Since it was warm during the day and I had electrical hook up at the park, I turned on the A/C to keep the vehicle interior cool during the day.  It was only in the low 80s outside, but the interior of the vehicle can get much warmer in direct sunlight on a sunny day.  I had used the A/C the first night of my trip with no problems; but this time, the A/C ran for a few minutes then shut off.  It restarted after a few minutes, ran for a short time and shut off again.  It kept doing this and I knew that was not normal, since it usually ran continuously, until the target temperature on the thermostat was reached.  Going outside the vehicle, I noted that the sound from the A/C fans below the vehicle was not the normal sound.  Laying on the ground, looking up into the fans, I immediately saw the problem:  dried mud in the fans.  It had rained one day in the mountains and I had driven on muddy roads.  (I actually shifted into 4 wheel drive for the first time, as it felt as if the vehicle was sliding a bit on the muddy roads and there were many places where sliding off of the roadway would be a very undesirable event). The vehicle was quite muddy and I had gone into Montrose earlier that day to a self serve car wash to spray off most of the heavy mud from the upper body, the wheel wells, the wheels and whatever I could get to beneath the vehicle, including the edges of the A/C fans.  But I did not realize that there was mud inside the fan assembly  and the strong jet spray would probably not have been good for the fan and delicate vanes behind the fan, anyway.  I cleared the dried mud with a screwdriver, turned the fan blades manually to be sure there was no remaining obstruction and turned the A/C back on.  The A/C ran a few minutes longer, but still shut off and kept cycling on and off in an abnormal manner.  Since I had cell service, I put in a call to Sportsmobile.  We were able to confirm, via the battery monitor panel, that the current draw,  during the A/C operation was normal.  However, there is an internal automatic circuit breaker in the A/C unit that might be the problem.  It is possible that some damage was done to the system, when it was trying to run before the mud was cleared from the fans.  It would have been good to have been warned of this potential problem by Sportsmobile.  I’m sure this must have happened to others, since these vehicles are intended to be used off paved roads, where mud is frequently encountered.

The step after scraping mud from the top and the edges. The A/C fans are beneath the vehicle just behind this step. (iPhone photo)
Mud splattered van and ladder. (iPhone photo)
The vehicle accumulated a fair amount of mud, while exploring the area during a rainy day. The mud looked much worse before it dried. (iPhone photo)

Fortunately, opening the sliding doors and back doors with bug screens installed, the air flow through the vehicle was sufficient to keep the temperature inside in a comfortable range during the day and it got quite cool during the night, so I only needed to have the side awning window open during the night.

And another issue that I almost forgot:  There is a chirping sound, which I think is from the smoke detector, telling me that I need to replace its battery.  The problem is that the smoke detector is only accessible with the penthouse raised.  So I had to live with and try to sleep through the periodic chirping.

And yet another issue:  The fridge is noisy for a few seconds when its compressor first comes on.  It was not always this noisy.  It is normally rather quite when running.  The fridge comes on periodically and the initial noise is quite noticeable, when trying to sleep.

Other things that I learned and observed on this outing:  1.  I should make longer cables for the solar panels to allow for a greater range in placement to keep them in sunlight.  The downside to longer cables, is that these will result in a greater voltage loss  from the panels.  2.  The storage covers I made for the solar panels need revision.  The industrial strength velcro fasteners are stronger than the self adhesive, pulling some of the velcro off of the covers. 3.  I will need to get a monitor to use with the laptop for viewing and editing photos.  The 15inch MacBook Pro screen is just too small for me to adequately work with the photos and photo software.  I had hoped to live without a monitor, which is just another item to transport and secure within the Sportsmobile. 4.  I need to remember to use hand lotion on a regular basis in cold, dry climates.  My thumb print is apparently altered by dry cracked skin, (a painful, bleeding crack resulted, too) and the touch id on my iPhone still does not work.

As a result of all the noted problems, I will have to make another trip to Sportsmobile in Austin to have the noted issues checked out; but I have no time to do so prior to late October or early November.

A great campsite. Note the solar panels being overtaken by shadows. (iPhone HDR)
As the shadows moved, I moved the solar panels to take better advantage of the sunlight. (iPhone photo)

On the positive side, I was able to survive off the grid for several days in the mountains, during my first real solo trip in the Sportsmobile.  I had more than enough food, water and beverages on board for the entire trip, the vehicle continues to get lots of attention and complements and I met friendly and interesting people on this trip.  There will be more about the people and photos in subsequent posts.

I know that this has not been a very interesting read for my followers, but I felt that I needed to post something in the interim, until I get time to review the photos from this trip.

A view from my camp chair at the first campsite. (iPhone photo)
Courthouse Mountain lit up by late afternoon sun (extreme zoom iPhone photo from Ridgway State Park, Colorado).  I hoped to get a good view of this mountain from a closer distance somewhere along Owl Creek Pass Road and get a better photo.


Scenes Along Colorado 4 Wheel Drive Roads in the Ouray, Silverton and Telluride Areas of Colorado, Part 2

As the title implies, this is a continuation of the previous post.  The photos in this post are a combination of iPhone and DSLR photos and were taken while traversing these 4 wheel drive roads:  Imogene Pass, Engineer Pass, California Pass and maybe others. (I neglected to take notes of where we were each day and I can’t positively identify the location of some of the photos that I acquired and I am not using a GPS device on my current camera.  This is an issue that I must address in the future).

A typical view that one sees along these roads in the higher elevations is as shown here:

A typical mountain view from a high mountain pass road (iPhone)

We traveled Imogene Pass Road from the Ouray side, accessing it from US 550, splitting off from the road that goes to Yankee Boy Basin (covered in a previous post).  Imogen Pass is the second highest mountain pass in Colorado at 13, 114 feet.  It is rated as moderate, which means that only suitably equipped 4 wheel drive vehicles should attempt this road.  There are Jeep rentals in the local area and we saw many of the rental vehicles on this road, as well as some specialized tour vehicles with seating for passengers in a flat bed area.  Those tour vehicles looked a bit large for these type roads, but apparently their drivers are experienced in driving these roads.  The seating in the tour vehicles appeared to all be in the open, meaning one might get wet and cold, when caught in one of the frequent mountain showers, if not properly prepared for the weather.  Views along the road can be spectacular.  These two photos show the view looking back down the road that we traveled up to the pass:

A view from Imogene Pass Summit (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)
A view from Imogene Pass summit (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld) (More zoomed in than the previous photo).

A view in the opposite direction, in which we would continue is shown in this photo:

Imogene Pass Summit view (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)

As along most of these roads, there are numerous abandoned mine sites.  The Imogene Pass road goes through the large Tomboy mine site, which was a really large operation, before it was abandoned in 1928.  The remains of the buildings cover a rather large area and one could spend quite a bit of time wandering around the site.  However, these abandoned mining areas can be dangerous and nearly all are on private property with warning signs not to enter old mines or buildings.  Tomboy is one of the highest ghost towns in the US.  There was a store, school, living quarters for miners and even a YMCA.

A few of the many ruins at the Tomboy Mine townsite (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)

One can often see views of other mountain roads from these high mountain roadways.  One of the famously difficult 4 wheel drive roads is Black Bear, which has numerous sharp switchbacks, that typically require at least two point turns, even for short wheel base vehicles.  We got a glimpse of Black Bear as we neared Telluride on the way down from Imogene Pass.

A view of the sharp switch backs on the difficult Black Bear 4 wheel drive (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)

This is not a great photo, a big zoom would have worked better for showing the details of the switchbacks, but I only had a wide angle with me.  Look closely in the green area just below the peak about one third across the photo from the left and you can see the trace of the roadway down the steep mountainside.  There is also a long waterfall almost in the center of the photo in the cliff face.  One has to look very closely to see the waterfall in this photo.

To drive Engineer Pass, we began just off of US 550 between Ouray and Silverton.  This road is rated as moderate and I think most of the difficult part is near the starting point off of US 550.  After passing through that portion, much of the road is fairly easy (easy for me, since I was not driving).  We did not continue the road down into Lake City, electing to go to the ghost town of Animas Forks and continuing along other roads from Animas Forks, over California Pass, down Corkscrew Gulch and arriving back at US 550.

An abandoned mine site as seen from Engineer Pass road (iPhone)
Odom Point along the Engineer Pass road route (iPhone)
Engineer Pass Road (iPhone)
An old mine line shack on the road between Engineer Pass and Animas Forks (iPhone)
Animas Forks Ghost Town near Silverton, Colorado (iPhone)

Animas Forks is a mining ghost town near Silverton, Colorado.  It can be accessed by a passenger vehicle in the summer months along County Road 2 from Silverton or via a number of other 4 wheel drive roads.  There are a number of fairly well preserved building at this site and, as you will see in these photos, is a popular site to visit.

A few of the four wheel drive vehicles in the parking area at Animas Forks ghost town (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)
Old mine building foundation at Animas Forks ghost town (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)
One of the better preserved buildings in Animas Forks ghost town (Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm, handheld)

From Animas Forks, we proceeded along another 4 wheel drive road to California Pass.

A view from California Pass Summit (iPhone)
California Pass Summit (iPhone)
The Jeep at California Pass Summit (iPhone) (Note the GoPro on the driver side front fender).
Long winding 4 wheel drive roads just below California Pass summit (iPhone)

We continued along the road that passes to the left of the lake in the above photo.  The road to the right of the lake goes to another much more difficult 4 wheel drive road.

A lake just below California Pass summit (iPhone) (A closer view of the lake seen in the previous photo)
An abandoned mine sluice along the California Pass Road (iPhone)
Clouds gathering over the aptly named Red Mountains, California Pass Road (iPhone)

We continued back to US 550 on Corkscrew 4 wheel drive, but I did not get any interesting photos along that route.

This marks the end of my July trip to Colorado.  The following photos are a few iPhone shots that I took on the route back home.

The Sportsmobile at Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, Texas (iPhone)
A panorama of a portion of Lake Meredith (iPhone)
A warning sign at a Texas Panhandle Rest Stop (iPhone)






Scenes Along 4 Wheel Drive Roads in the Ouray, Silverton and Telluride Areas of Colorado, Part 1

In late July, 2018 my oldest son and I traveled a number of four wheel drive roads over high mountain passes in Colorado near the towns of Ouray, Silverton and Telluride.  My son did the driving, I just hung on for dear life.

All of the photos in this post (part 1) were shot with an iPhone with some editing in Lightroom.

My son used a GoPro attached to the driver’s side front fender of his Jeep to capture video along some of the drives.  Edited versions of those videos are posted on U-Tube:

Ophir Pass, Imogene Pass, California Pass/Hurricane Pass/Corkscrew Gulch and Engineer Pass.

The videos may make the rides look fairly smooth and fast.  Trust me the roads could not be traversed very quickly and the ride was very bouncy.

In a previous post I shared photos taken in Yankee Boy Basin.  Continuing up the 4 wheel road past those photo areas, the road leads to a lake and a trail head popular with hardy, mountain hikers.

A small lake at the end of the Yankee Boy Basin 4 wheel drive road near Ouray, Colorado (iPhone photo)
A portion of the lake at the end of the Yankee Boy Basin 4 wheel drive road and a mountain peak in the background. (iPhone photo)

Many, maybe all, of the 4 wheel drive roads over these mountain passes were made by miners, during the exploration phase and production phase of mining operations.  There are remains of many abandoned mines visible from these roadways and there are some active mines, as well.

An abandoned mine along the Yankee Boy Basin 4 wheel drive road (iPhone photo)

One may encounter much wildlife along these roadways and almost anywhere in this area.  We saw numerous deer and many marmots.  Marmots are usually rather shy and run away as anyone approaches them either on foot or in a vehicle.  But one little marmot only gave up its ground hesitantly, moving only a short distance away several times as I intruded into its space, while trying to get a shot of a really long water fall.

A not so shy marmot.  The depth of field in this shot is very shallow.  The rock just above the marmot is actually across a deep ravine, through which a stream flows down the mountainside. (iPhone photo)

The marmot was lounging near a very scenic waterfall and cascade with a great view across a valley and mountain tops.  Maybe that is why it was so reluctant to move away as I approached.

Low water flow in this really long waterfall and cascade along which the marmot was lounging. (iPhone photo)
The marmot’s view into the valley and across the mountain peaks (iPhone photo)

There are many small lakes in the mountains that are popular with fishermen and popular places to camp, although the mosquitoes can be quite a bother.

Clear Lake and Fishermen at the end of Clear Lake 4 wheel drive road near Silverton, Colorado (iPhone photo)

The mountains at these elevations are rugged and continually eroding.

Rugged, eroding mountainside above Clear Lake (iPhone)

Wildflowers were past their peak, but there were still quite a few scattered around.

Wildflowers in the meadow around Clear Lake (iPhone)
Wildflower and a busy bumble bee near Clear Lake (iPhone)
A few of the remaining wild flowers near Clear Lake (iPhone)

(To be continued in Part 2).