Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada – March 2023 – Part 23 – Another Sunset Shoot


It seems suitable, at this time of the day, that the clouds in the sky and the geology in Valley of Fire, Nevada came together to create an hourglass shape, if one has the imagination to see it.

Light before the Storm

Another late day storm was brewing over the desert, which resulted in dramatic sky for background.

The Light and the Storm

I composed this image to have the rocks along the diagonal pointing towards the distant storm.

Then I thought maybe I had too much in this image, so I moved in close to the end portion of the foreground rock, keeping a portion of the little bush at the edge of the rock.

The Light and the Storm 2

This emphasized the foreground rock, but reduced the background and the stormy, cloudy sky, which I think is not an improvement.  The wider angle view is better, I think.

The Light and the Storm 3

I like the way the rock texture looks, even on its own, but with the late day light and a stormy sky background it seems to really pop.

The Light and the Storm 4

In this image I like the foreground shadows that contrast with the late day light on the middle ground and the background sky and the rugged geology.

Skyway – Walk this way to reach the clouds.
Symmetric Reflection – Earth and Sky Symmetry

Maybe the correct word is “symmetrical”, but the image is not exactly symmetrical, so I will stick with the “Symmetric” label.

Storm Reveal

I used the many linear features in the rock as leading lines in this photo, which is a cropped version of the original.  The original included much more of the foreground, as I like those linear features, but upon reviewing, I thought maybe I over did it with the foreground.

Rain Wish

To be continued with much more of that late day desert storm,






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