We returned to the southern portion of Capitol Reef National Park to photograph Strike Valley in the late afternoon with the intention of photographing from somewhere along the switchbacks (numerous sharp turns on the roadway as it climbs steeply from the valley). There were no safe and suitable places to park along the switchbacks, so we settled for shooting from an area above the switchbacks.

In viewing some of these photographs now, I’m thinking some could benefit from cropping portions of the sky, but when I edited these, I was wanting to show the big open sky. Maybe that was a mistake, but I’m not going to change these now.
More later,
Nice photos Ken! I visited Capitol Reef a few years ago and your post makes me want to revisit.
BTW — When you comment on my blog the link (kenkemptv) goes to a Gravatar page with no link to your blog. I went back to a comment you made on my blog back in January to get here.
Thanks, Denise. The Gravatar issue is my fault, as I’ve not made sure that works properly. Usually, I can log in via my WordPress account, but I got no response when trying that. Thanks for reminding me about the Gravatar, I’ll try to get that taken care of. You should definitely revisit Capitol Reef, when you get a chance. I was there years ago and saw only a small portion of the park during that visit. It is a very long park, so much driving is required to see its full extent. I would like to get back and spend more time there, too.
Yes it is long and you have to hike to a lot of the features.