Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 11 – Strike Valley

We returned to the southern portion of Capitol Reef National Park to photograph Strike Valley in the late afternoon with the intention of photographing from somewhere along the switchbacks (numerous sharp turns on the roadway as it climbs steeply from the valley).  There were no safe and suitable places to park along the switchbacks, so we settled for shooting from an area above the switchbacks.

Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Strike Valley and Beyond
Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Strike Valley View, above the Burr Trail Road Switchbacks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Twisted 1
Twisted 2

In viewing some of these photographs now, I’m thinking some could benefit from cropping portions of the sky, but when I edited these, I was wanting to show the big open sky.  Maybe that was a mistake, but I’m not going to change these now.

More later,
