Grand Canyon, North Rim, July 2021, Part 7

View from a Trail

The longest hike we did while at the Grand Canyon North Rim was one that generally followed along the canyon rim, but was mostly in forest with occasional good views of the canyon.

View from a trail
Clouds over the Canyon

The first three images contain the same canyon features with varying compositions and view points.

Intimate Moment

The tree leaning into another reminded me of a couple sharing this grand view.

Clouds and Canyon

The sky was mostly cloudy, as was typical during our visit, and the canyon was hazy.

Along the Trail
Near a Trail
Storm over the Canyon

Again today, there was a storm in the distance and rain threatened to catch us on the trail.

Storm Couds
Trees, Canyon and Storm Clouds

I will continue with more photos from this hike in a subsequent post.


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