Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Part 7A – Day 4

It was another heavily overcast morning in Badlands National Park with sporadic light rain.

Traffic Stop, Badlands NP, September 18, 2022, PM, iPhone Photo through the windshield

These female Bighorns and lambs were in no hurry and did not care that they were holding me up in my quest for early morning photos.

Bighorn, Badlands NP, September 18, 2022, PM, iPhone Photo

Shooting under the heavy overcast, most of my images were dark.  I brightened them, but did not want to overdo that and ruin the reality.  These images look better on a large screen with proper brightness for viewing images, but may look very dark in this blog post, especially if viewed on a small screen.  Some of these images have embedded links to the images on Flickr, where these usually look much better than in this blog.

Sunrise Mute
Orange Horizon
Layered Morning
Sky Soft
Ravine Maze
Rain Horizon
Distant Storm
Storm Horizon
Clearing Badlands Storm
Badlands Sky
Morning Spotlights
Morning Spotlights 2

I shot all of these image at a number of different viewpoints along SD240, the main road through the park.  I met a young lady from Michigan, who was also shooting images.  We seemed to be stopping at the same places for awhile.  She observed that the color in the badlands rocks were more saturated when wet.  I told her that she had discovered the reason geologists like to view wet rocks, rather than dry ones.

To be continued,


Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Part 3

Continued from Part 2, Day one AM

I continued driving SD Route 240 through Badlands National Park looking for other photography opportunities.

Yes, my collar is the latest fashion here.

Near one pullout there was a small herd of Bighorn sheep posing for the park visitors that had begun to filter into the park.  It might not be appropriate to refer to these Bighorn as “wildlife”, since they do not pay much attention at all to the visitors, do not appear aggressive (at least, these ewe and lambs) and can be approached fairly closely.  Yet, I put on my big zoom, just to be able to shoot from a distance without getting so close as to possible startle or cause them to move away.

Basking in Sun and Nature’s Garden
Undercover Operator
Can you hear me now?
Bighorn Lamb
Shutting out the tourist hoard
No, I’m not getting up to pose.

Today’s journey through Badlands National Park will continue,
