Badlands National Park, Day 5 – Sunrise Photography Part A

I arose early on the last day I had to spend in Badlands National Park, once again driving that slow, washboarded gravel road from Interior to SD 240.

I went back to an area from which I had shot a couple of morning already, when the sky were cloudy.  Today the early morning sky was mostly clear and I anticipated a good sunrise golden hour.


Badland Morning
Sunrise Curve
Badland Notch
Rabbit Bush Morning
Regression and Progression
Ridgy Morning, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Ridgy Morning 2, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Red Sky Morning, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Living on the Edge, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Break Out, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM
Ridgy Morning 3, Badlands NP, South Dakota, September 19, 2022, AM

To be continued,



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