Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada – Part 1

My oldest son, also a photo enthusiast and excellent photographer, met me in Snow Canyon on the first morning of my stay.  The weather forecast called for considerable rainfall for our location over the next few days, so we began to consider our options.  After some discussion and exploration of not too far away areas, we decided it best to move into Nevada in the vicinity of Valley of Fire State Park.

Valley of Fire State Park has two camping areas, one with full hookups for RVs and another with no hook ups, but water available.  At the time of our visit, those campgrounds were still on a first come first serve basis.  This is a popular destination in the spring, so it is difficult to get a camping spot.  We stayed a few miles outside the park on BLM land for the first several night, traveling into the park and into adjacent areas.  We made a few passes through the campsites, while in the park, looking for open sites.  It was not unusual to see would be campers waiting in line for a campsite to be vacated that could be claimed.

As is our normal practice, we scouted areas for photography and I made many photos with my iPhone, during these outings.  So part of this series of blogs will contain mostly those scouting photos.

Reaching for the sky, iPhone photo

I got down low to photograph this small cactus, making it look much larger than it is.

Valley of Fire 1, iPhone Photo

Late day sunlight lights up the rocks in Valley of Fire, enhancing the color, shadows and textures.

Prickly Sunset, iPhone Photo


Sure Footed, iPhone Photo

We spotted these two desert sheep as we were driving.  I shot these from the vehicle.  That slope is much steeper than this image makes it appear and the soil is loose, making their hooves slip with each step.  These animals have a remarkable balance and the ability to navigate steep rugged terrain.

There is an old CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) multiple room crude cabin used by CCC members, who worked in the park during the Great Depression, in the park.  The following image is from the larger of the three rooms.

Master Suite, iPhone Photo

More later,


Porphyry Basin, Colorado

Porphyry Basin, Colorado is accessed via a narrow, steep 4WD road off of US550 between Ouray and Silverton.

My oldest son drove us up the road to the basin in July, 2020.  On the way up the mountainside, we passed a canvas tent with a stove pipe jutting from the top.  It was obvious that someone had set up that tent for a long term camp.  Upon arriving at the end of the 4WD road at an old mine site, it became apparent who was living in that heavy duty tent.  First we saw a large flock of sheep spread across the high mountain meadow, then a horse staked out nearby the roadway, two sheep dogs, and a lone shepherd watching over the sheep.

Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 50mm (before crop), f/11, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm (before crop), f/11, 1/160s, ISO 200. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Sheep, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/16, 1/80s, ISO 250. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

We wandered around the old mine site with its collapsed wooden structure and other scattered debris, being careful to not step on old rusty nails or other potentially harmful items lying around on the ground.

K Marks The Spot, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

The basin is beautiful with an abundance of wildflowers, a mountain stream and a waterfall.  It was bright daylight so I hand held my Nikon D850, shooting with a fast shutter speed to freeze the motion of the flowers.  It was too bright to get a long exposure of the waterfall for that silky, flowing water effect.

Wildflowers and Waterfall, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall, Stream and Sheep in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall and Stream, Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 320. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
Waterfall and Stream in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 24mm, f/16, 1/250s, ISO 500. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.
An iPhone image of wildflowers in Porphyry Basin, Colorado. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and Nik Color Effects Pro 4.

Higher resolution images can be viewed on my Flickr page by clicking on the images in this post.

Thanks for following,
