Indiana Fall 2023, Part 25 – Frosty Halloween Morning

Prior to any road trip, I always check the weather forecast for my destination, so that I know how to prepare for the expected weather.  I’ve also learned to heed the season and expect the unexpected change in the weather.

This fall, the first few days of our visit to Indiana, the weather was much as forecast, then an unexpected cold front came across most of the U.S., dropping temperatures well below my allowance for cold outings.  I had brought my typical normal cold weather gear and even a few chemical hand warmers, since my fingers tend to get cold even in mild winter weather.  And once my fingers get numb with cold, I can’t easily operate my camera controls.

I knew I would still want to get out in the cold weather, so I purchased additional cold weather clothing and more hand and foot warmers in a local store.

Halloween morning was the first below freezing weather we had during this trip.  I knew the cold front coming in over the warmer landscape and warmer bodies of water would result in early morning water vapor condensing into mist or fog.  So I went out again to Ogle Lake in Brown County State Park early in the morning of October 31.

It was, indeed, a heavy frost morning and mist was rising from the lake surface.

Frosty Morning 1, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning 2, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning 3, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning 4, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023
Frosty Morning 5, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023

By the time I had obtained these few images, my fingers, even with the hand warmers in my fleece mittens with the exposable thumb and finger tips, were so numb that I had to give up shooting.  I retreated to my vehicle, started the engine and sat there until my fingers were warm enough to drive away.

I really would have liked to spend more time photographing frosty scenes around the park this morning, but I knew I could only shoot for a few minutes at a time due to the cold weather effect upon my fingers.  I settled for getting one shot at an overlook in the park, before heading back to the cabin.

Scenic Overlook, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 31, 2023

Until next time,


Indiana Fall 2023, Part 18 – Brown County State Park

Early Morning Calm, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023

I went into Brown County State Park again early on the morning of October 28, 2023, first stopping at Ogle Lake.  It was a bland sky morning, heavily overcast and no sunrise sky color.  I made the image above, which is similar to ones made a couple of days earlier, except for the sky,  then the blandness of the sky prompted me to leave the lake and wander through the park looking for better fall images.

BCSP Winding Road 6, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 7, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 8, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
Tall Fall 12, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
Gateway, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
Brown County State Park 6, Indiana, October 28, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 9, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 10, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 11, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 28, 2023
Brown County State Park10, Indiana, October 28, 2023

Do you think I got enough leaf strewn roadway as leading lines in these images?

To be continued,


Indiana Fall 2023, Part 6 – Early Morning at Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana

Ogle Lake Fall 1, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

After my sunrise shoot, I hiked a short distance along the north side of Ogle Lake in Brown County State Park, Indiana getting a few fall images.

Ogle Lake Fall 2, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Fall 3, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Fall 4, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Fall 5, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Fall 6, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Roots, Ogle Lake Trail, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Placid Fall, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

That’s it for this morning’s shoot.  Until next time,


Indiana Fall 2023, Part 5 – Sunrise Sequence – Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana

Sunrise 1, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

Even though I’m usually sleeping well in the early morning hours, I force myself out of a warm, comfortable bed, because my favorite time for photography is in the early morning hours, especially in popular places, because the normal tourist don’t usually get out early and one doesn’t have to worry about people getting in the way of ones photography.

When I pulled into the parking lot at Ogle Lake, I was the only one there.  As I prepared my camera and tripod, a lady drove into the lot and stopped to ask me about the best place for sunrise here in the park.  She and her husband were staying in the park lodge, but they had apparently not had time to scout places for sunrise photos.  I told her I did not know what place was best, but it might be good here and it was too late for her to get to another good place before sunrise.  I suggested that she might photograph from the dam or from the north side of the lake for the best sunrise views.

She commented upon my camera, thinking it had an unusual lens.  I was using my large 14-24mm wide angle lens with a Progrey filter holder mounted on it.  Due to the bulbous 14-24mm lens, it is not possible to use screws in filters, requiring a bulky filter holder attachment. It is the filter holder that makes it look unusual.

I headed for the dam, where I thought I might have some fall foliage for foreground and good reflection on the lake, leaving the lady behind in the parking lot.

Sunrise 2, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

It was a cloudy morning, the sky color was spectacular.  Sometimes we get lucky.

Sunrise 3, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

The morning color came on quickly and disappeared as quickly as it came, but the clouds in the sky still made it possible to get interesting photos after the color faded.

Ogle Lake Leaf Accumulation, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Sky Reflection, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023
Ogle Lake Forest Reflection, Brown County State Park, Indiana, October 25, 2023

After finishing my shoot from the dam area, I decided to take a short walk along the lake shore.  There is a hiking trail that goes all around the lake, which I’ve done in previous visits here.  I knew the south side might not have the best views this morning and it was probably muddy in portions, so I headed for the north side.

As I approached the trail head, I encountered the lady from the parking lot again.    We chatted for a few minutes.  She was thrilled with her sunrise experience.  She was shooting with a Canon R6, which she had not had for long.  She is a retired portrait photographer, previously from California, living in Kentucky with her husband.  I’m assuming her husband is not into photography or else he would have accompanied her this morning.  She asked about my filters and I explained why I used these for my landscape work.  I was surprised, when she revealed that she had not previously known anything about this subject.  I never thought that a professional photographer of any speciality would not know about the use of these specialty filters.  However, I have observed professional portrait photographers shooting in the outdoors without any filters.  I’ve also noted the over exposed backgrounds in many such portrait photographs.  I suppose some filters might be difficult to use for people subjects, but it can still be possible to compose outdoor photos and avoid overexposed backgrounds, unless one is doing that purposely.

Photos from my short hike around Ogle Lake next,



Indiana, Fall 2021, Part 10 – Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park

Early Fall Reflections

It was a relatively calm morning as I hiked around Ogle Lake in Brown County State Park, Indiana. As the morning advanced,  enough of a breeze developed to sometimes make small ripples in the lake, distorting the reflections of the trees and sky.

Fall Reflections

Fog remained just above the lake surface in the shadows near the end of the lake.

Fall at Ogle Lake
Lake Pointer
Fall at Ogle Lake
Fall Lake Scene
Autumn Lake
Squiggly Reflections

This ends my hike and morning photography at Ogle Lake.

Until next time,


Indiana, Fall 2021, Part 9 – Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park

As I had coffee and a light breakfast early one morning in the Indiana cabin, I noted that it was a foggy morning and if I got out soon I might get some interesting photos before the fog burned away.

As I drove the main road into Brown County State Park, I was regretting not getting up a little earlier this morning.  I could see that the early morning fog would be good for photography and it was lifting rapidly.  The park does not officially open until 7AM, but I was told at the entrance the prior morning that the gate was always open, so I could come and go whenever I liked.  The gate keeper even offered that  getting there early would let me avoid the entrance fee, which at $9 per day was a bit steep compared to many such parks, but I never got there before 7AM, even though it would have been best for photography had I done so.

When I arrived at the Ogle Lake parking lot well after sunrise, I glimpsed the fog coming off of the lake, and I hastened to grab my gear and walked rapidly to the dam.

Early Morning Fog on Ogle Lake

My first composition this morning is my favorite one of this morning shoot.

Lake Fog

After shooting a few images from the dam, I walked on to the hiking trail around the lake.

Early Morning Calm
The Stick and Rippleness

A small tree limb in the lake caught my eye and I shot a couple of compositions with it as a focal point.  These images are best view on a big screen to see the details.

Early Morning Fog, Reflections and The Stick
Through the Trees Softly
Misty Lake

Enough for now.  I will continue this hike and photography in the next post,


Indiana, Fall 2021, Part 8 – Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park

I continued hiking the trail around Ogle Lake and shooting images in and around the lake.

Fall Forest

The big lens allowed me to zoom into the edge of the forest across the lake, eliminating the sky and the lake from the scene.

Early Fall Color
Dreamy Reflections

Reflections in water are always a good subject.  The scene above drew me to it as soon as I noticed how the log divided the reflections and calmed the surface just enough to create the impressionist forest reflection.

Leaves and Trunk
Red Fall

Before I left the park, I stopped and hiked along a trail through the forest.  I shot many images, but most were not all that appealing, so I’m just sharing a few of the better ones.

Forest Light
A Touch of Red
Big Red Mittens

Thanks for following,


Indiana, Fall 2021, Part 7 – Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park

Brown County State Park, near Nashville, Indiana is a lovely park with hardwood forest, lakes and miles of hiking and biking trails through the forest.  We were staying just a few miles from the park, making it an easy place to access for Autumn photography.

Possibly my favorite place to photograph in this wonderful park is around Ogle Lake.

I regret that I did not get out as early in the mornings as I should have for the best of sunrise.  Even though I got up early enough to get into the park at or before official opening time, I lingered over my coffee and light breakfast too long, as it was so pleasant doing so in the cabin.

My first morning in the park, I decided to use my big lens, a Nikon 80-400mm with a 1.4 extension.  With the fall color still not being near peak, I figured I would try to get more intimate shots, rather than wide angle images.

Walking along the dam at the end of the lake, I took time to get close ups of some of the colorful leaves, back lighted by the early morning sun light, on small trees or bushes at the waters edge, before hiking on the trail around the lake.

Yellow and Brown
Green, Red, Yellow

From the dam and the hiking trail, I shot across the lake into the forest on the opposite side.

Fall Lake View
Early and Late
Leaning Into Fall
Fall by the Lake
Fall Impression
Across the Lake

That’s enough for now.  I will continue this photography hike in the next post.


Indiana, Fall 2020, Brown County State Park Part 2 – Ogle Lake

After stoping at a number of pull outs along the main roadway in Brown County State Park, I continued to Ogle Lake and hiked the loop trail that goes around the lake.

At the end of the lake nearest the parking lot, I went off the trail down to the waters edge to get this image:

Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana

I walked along the edge of the lake towards the north until I got back to the official trail, where I stopped to photograph reflections in the lake.

Fall Reflections, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana

There were not many others here today, so it was not difficult to keep a safe distance from others and I only had to standby occasionally to let others clear out of my compositions.

Brown County State Park, Indiana
Brown County State Park, Indiana

At least a couple of hikers asked what I was photographing.  The first to ask seemed to think that there must be something special that was not apparent along the trail to photograph.  The second was a photographer with a long lens.  He was photographing birds and thought I must be doing the same.  I guess we all have our own thoughts about what is worthy of photographing.

Brown County State Park, Indiana
Brown County State Park, Indiana

As I rounded the end of the lake and began to hike along the south side, I noted some very nice reflections on north side of the lake.

Fall Reflections, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park
Fall Reflections, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana
Fall Reflections, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park, Indiana
Fall Reflections, Ogle Lake, Brown County State Park

The reflections in the lake seemed to me to be the best images that I’ve gotten so far and I struggled to make interesting compositions for the rest of the hike.

Brown County State Park, Indiana
Brown County State Park, Indiana
Grafiti Tree, Brown County State Park, Indiana

That’s it for the Ogle Lake area,
