Alabama Hills, California – Part 1

This spring’s photography trip was to Alabama Hills, California.  This was a long trip and some thought was given to flying into Las Vegas, renting a 4 wheel drive vehicle and driving from there; but in the end, my oldest son and I, felt more comfortable with one of our own 4 WD vehicles, which meant a long road trip, especially for me since I first had to drive from Texas to Colorado by myself, then we would travel together to California.

March weather is always uncertain and can be a challenge for travel and planning.  This year was no exception.  Prior to my departure from Texas, a strong spring storm was forecast, so I left Texas a day earlier than planned to avoid the worst of the expected storm.  Still, in portions of Colorado, I drove through intermittent rain, sleet and snow.

That first night in Colorado the storm dumped heavy snows across Colorado, especially in the mountains.  I-70, our route over the mountains was closed and we were not at all sure that we would be able to keep our scheduled departure date; but we got lucky, I-70 opened to all but commercial truck traffic just in time.  There was heavy, slow traffic along long sections of I-70 and slushy, snow packed intervals, sometimes with only one lane open.

The Western Slope of the Rockies was clear and we were able to drive much faster into Utah.  Still we kept seeing warnings of an expected storm along our route and we did drive through some heavy snow before reaching our first stop over destination.

Even though, I’ve traveled portions of I-70 and I-15 west of Grand Junction, Colorado numerous times, I always seem to forget how beautiful and varied the scenery is along this route.  This is another reason, I prefer highway travel to air travel.  So much is missed in route, when in an airplane.

Our route to Alabama Hills took us through a portion of Death Valley, which is another of our favorite places.  In one of the broad valleys between mountain ranges the land was covered in yellow flowers, no doubt due to the heavy rains in this area this year.

We had motel reservations in Lone Pine, California and would stay there for a number of days.  Lone Pine sits between two portions of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.  There was snow on the mountains and those mountains are beautiful.

We went into Alabama Hills, which is a few miles outside Lone Pine, and did mostly scouting the first morning here, since we did not know the area and had no fixed destination in mind for early morning photography.

Alabama Hills, California, March 17, 2024

The Sierra Nevada mountains dominate the background here and it seemed impelling to include those mountains in our photos.

Alabama Hills and Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, March 17, 2024

Perhaps, one of the most interesting and most photographed rock features here is the Mobius Arch.  So we parked in the parking space at the loop trail to that arch and set out to explore the area.

Heart Arch, Alabama Hills, California, March 17, 2024

The Heart Arch is visible from some distance and the Mobius Arch Trail goes past it.

Alabama Hills, -Shadows, Light, Mountains and Clouds – California, March 17, 2024

For those of us old enough, these scenes might jar some early childhood memories of early western movies and TV series.  Over 400 movies have been filmed in this area, beginning with the silent movie era and continuing into recent times.  I well remember some of those early westerns, like Hop along Cassidy, The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Gene Autry, Have Gun Will Travel, The Rifleman, Wanted – Dead or Alive and many others.  More recent movies include Django Unchained and The Gladiator.

The movie museum in Lone Pine is well worth a visit for anyone passing through.

More information about Alabama Hills and how it became known as “Alabama Hills” is found here

and here.

More later,
