I’ve hiked past this small bridge hoodoo in Bisti, usually when photographic conditions were less than optimal, many times on my way to a predetermined destination. This feature is not easily photographed in an interesting composition that clearly shows that it is a bridge, not just a chunk of rock in a jumble of other rocks. So even when I’ve stopped by, I’ve decided not to shoot it or did not get anything worth sharing. Still it is an interesting little bridge, so today I decided to make an attempt to get a decent photo. I wanted to clearly indicate the opening in the bridge with some object behind it. I could not get the sky through the bridge opening, so I needed some distinct object to show through the opening and not fill the entire opening. Moving around to vary what was visible through the bridge, I decided that the small rock that is visible behind the bridge, would work to give some depth in an image. To get this image, I made multiple exposure with different focal points, then stacked them using Helicon software to get the best overall sharpness.
Moving on, we found numerous portions of petrified logs and then in an area that neither my son nor I had previously explored, we found a long petrified tree specimen. It was so long that it was difficult to photograph its entirety and still get it into a good composition.

I worked around this long petrified log, trying to get shots that showed how impressive this petrified log is.

A shot from the base of the log shows the base well, but this point of view does not indicate the significant length of the log.

I did not get any shots of this long petrified log that shows how impressive it is to see in person, but I think the shot above with the adjacent hoodoos and cloudy sky is the best image I got here.

In the same general area of the long petrified tree are several other petrified logs that are partially exposed from the encasing sediment.

Even though it was heavily overcast on this hike into the Bisti Wilderness, there was a little break through of sunlight, but no golden hour light.

The tall hoodoo in the image above seems to be tilting its head towards the sun to catch the late day rays.
More Bisti later,
Beautiful pictures!
I visited Bryce canyon in 2019 and saw some nice hoodoos.
Will blog on Bryce soon.
Do checkout my blog at http://travel-along.in/
Bryce Canyon is uniquely beautiful. I’ve only hiked one trail there, during what was planned to be a multiple day stay, before a spring snow storm chased me away. Since then, I’ve only been able to stop by for a little while, when in the larger area.
Oh Yes…if you really want to explore the place you need many days….may be some day I will….
I will soon be putting up my pictures of Bryce…do follow me to get the updates…thanks