Continued from part 4:
In an opening in the forest on a steep slope, I photographed the distant mountainsides below clouds that provided shadows and moving spotlights on the massive forest.

Much of the mountainsides were covered with beetle killed evergreens. A scattering of color within the mass of dead, grey trees caught my eye as they were highlighted by light breaking through the cloud cover.

There are a few green evergreens and a scattering of Aspens within the mass of dead trees. I wonder how this will evolve with time. Will Aspens replace the evergreens or will the evergreens somehow evolve to resist the beetles?
It was getting late in the day, there would be no golden hour light here due to mountains blocking the late day light and in any case I did not want to try to find my way through the forest in the dark, hiking back to my campsite. So I began to work my way back up the slope. Taking my time and stopping whenever I thought I might get an interest photo.

The late day sunlight filtered through the forest creating narrow, subtle, streaks of highlights in the grassy floor of the forest.

Many fallen trees, partially supported by living trees, created mazes that might have proven dangerous to navigate through after dark.

Near the top of the grassy, forested slope, I stopped to get this shot through the mass of Aspen trunks.

That’s all for now,