Bisti Wilderness, May 2019, Day 4 Scouting, Part 1

After breakfast, Daniel and I hiked from the north Bisti parking area to the southern portion of Bisti.  Along the way, I made many iPhone scouting photographs for future reference.  In fact, I have so many scouting photos from this mid-day outing, that I will break this subject into several separate posts.

Bisti Wings or Flats, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The sky with many clouds adds to the interest in these iPhone photographs.  While these images are not intended to be great photography, they will serve to show what one may see in Bisti and give an indication of the type photographs that a mid-day visitor might obtain with a simple point and shoot camera.  Please note, though, that these images have been post processed with photo editing software.

Bisti Flat or Wing Hoodoo with hole, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Most, but possibly not all, of these image are posted to Flickr.  Clicking on an image with an embedded link will take one to that image on Flickr, where a higher resolution image can more easily be viewed.

Bisti hoodoos on a hillside, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
A passage through tall Bisti Hoodoos, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The hike from the north side to the south side required navigating through badlands, up and down hills, through washes, etc., passing many interesting rock formations.  There are no trails in this wilderness and many ways to get from one place to another, so each trip can be a new adventure.

Hoodoo with Window, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Unstable, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
One Remaining of Three, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Hoodoos on wash wall, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Bisti Flat Hoodoo with Window, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Hoodoo Wash, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Assorted Hoodoo Shapes, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I had shown Daniel around the northern area in the morning and now Daniel wanted to show me places he had visited in the southern area on the previous day.  I have been to the southern area a number of times, but I had never gotten as far out into it as Daniel, so I was eager to see what he had to show me.

South Bisti Petrified Log, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

This long petrified log may be one of the most photographed ones in Bisti.  I had previously obtained GPS coordinates for its location, but until today, I had never gotten to it.  The long petrified log had many other interesting features nearby.

South Bisti Scene, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Duck Hoodoo, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Bisti Hikers, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

We saw only a few people on this portion of our hike, but these two are heading back towards the south parking area.

Daniel in the Hoodoo Den, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Petrified Log, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Two other petrified log sections with orange lichen near the longer log are shown in these two images.

Petrified Log & Tall Hoodoos, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Most of these features and petrified logs are within what I called a nook, a somewhat confined area mostly surrounded by hills.

Petrified Log, iPhone Photo with edits in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The petrified log in the image above looks so real that it could be mistaken for real wood.

That is enough for this post.  To be continued,




2 thoughts on “Bisti Wilderness, May 2019, Day 4 Scouting, Part 1”

  1. This is such a fascinating area. And, I really did think that was a real log! And who knew that such “little people” hiked the area. Definitely gave a good perspective of the vastness of Bisti. Well documented Ken!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Shutterpug. I’ve always had an affinity for rocks so I, too, find the Bisti Wilderness a fascinating place to explore.

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