Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 1

Cuervo, New Mexico is a small community along interstate I-40 in New Mexico.  It is mostly a ghost town, having been established as a railroad stop in 1901, then drying up when the railroad chose another stop in Tucumcari, NM.

I’ve driven this stretch of I-40 past Cuervo numerous times, first making a mental note of this place, when I spotted an old, picturesque church as I drove by at 75mph, thinking that someday I might want to stop in to photograph that old church.

I had spent the night near Gallup, NM, waking up to a snow covered vehicle and campground with temperature in the low 20s.  I drove through intermittent snow and rain that heavily overcast morning.  I figured the overcast sky would create the perfect environment for photographing in Cuervo, so I determined to take time to stop here today.  Atlas, as I drove along not paying attention to where I was, I drove past the only east bound exit for Cuervo.  I had to drive 7 or 8 miles to the next exit, make a U-turn and backtrack to Cuervo.  By the time I got back to Cuervo, most of the overcast had cleared and it was mostly bright and sunny.  But I was here and decided to walk around the small town, photographing the abandoned homes, anyway.

Cuervo Ghost Town 1
Cuervo Ghost Town 2
Cuervo Ghost Town 3
Cuervo Ghost Town 4
Cuervo Ghost Town 5
Cuervo Ghost Town 6 – Cali-Rose
Cuervo Ghost Town 7
Cuervo Ghost Town 8 – The Church

The old church is still somewhat maintained, at least.  The roof appears to be relatively new.

To be continued,


Rural Decay and Miscellaneous Photos – March 2022 Travel

Antelope Cafe

Small, rural towns across the U.S have experienced dramatic economic downturns as the agrarian industry evolved from one that required much manpower to one that relied more upon mechanization (machine labor).

I see much evidence of this in my road trips, occasionally taking time to photograph the abandoned businesses and homes, either in small rural towns or those scattered across rural farm and ranch lands.

Fading Facade

The title for this photo is taken from the street number that is hanging upside down on the post to the left of the door.

Wild Horse School

In spite of the obvious economic hardship indicated by numerous abandoned homes and businesses in one small community, this old school seem to be well cared for.

Out to Pasture

Old farm machinery rusting away in this farm field, may have been some of the initial machines that started the economic downturn in this small community.

Alone on the Plains

This lone tree in a vast, post harvest farm field, beneath the wide open sky caused me to pull over for a photo.

Until the next adventure and/or desperate need to photograph something overcomes me,
