Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada – March 2023 – Part 8

More scouting and exploration photos in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada.

Intricate Rock, iPhone Photo
Desert Flower, iPhone Photo
Desert Shadows, iPhone Photo
Natural Imperfections or Non-Photogenic Nature?, iPhone Photo

Nature is messy and cluttered.  Photographers don’t like clutter, even if it is a part of nature.  I cropped this photo to remove some of the natural clutter, mostly on the bottom left.  There remains some clutter on the bottom left and what about that unkempt looking bush and roots on the pond border?  Is it really necessary to clean up a natural scene, to make a more pleasing photo?  It depends upon one’s vies of the world and one’s idea of photography and purpose of the photo.  Sometimes one may want to show the clutter, sometimes not.  Sometimes clutter can’t be avoided.

X Marks the Spot, iPhone Photo
Nodular, iPhone Photo
Petrified Dunes, iPhone Photo
Rock Ribs, iPhone Photo
Droopy Rocks, iPhone Photo

The way my eyes look in the morning.

Ridgy Rocks 1, iPhone Photo
To the Desert Born, iPhone Photo

More desert scenes to come,



Valley of Fire State Park and Nearby, Nevada – March 2023 – Part 6 – Monochrome Desert

This is a continuation of hiking and exploration in Valley of Fire State Park and nearby areas, Nevada.  All of the photos in this post were shot with an iPhone 14 and converted to monochrome.

Mud Abstract, iPhone Photo
Cholla Shadow, iPhone Photo
Desert Texture, iPhone Photo
Rock Shelter, iPhone Photo
Dark Shelter, iPhone Photo

This “Dark Shelter” is not in Valley of fire.  This is along a 4 wheel drive road outside the park.

Monochrome Desert 2, iPhone Photo
Curvaceous, iPhone Photo
Desert Shadows, iPhone Photo
Energy Portal, iPhone Photo

More from the Nevada desert later,
