Continued from Part 3,

To be continued,
Continued from Part 3,
To be continued,
This is a continuation of forest images shot in Brown County State Park, Indiana in the early fall of 2024.
More fall images to come,
I’ve been concerned that my traditional fall images are becoming monotonous. This year I decided to experiment with new (to me) photographic techniques. Yet, concerned that my venture into a new realm might fail, I still made sure that I captured plenty of “standard” fall images. So before I reveal the results of my photographic experimentation, I’ll share plenty of the old standby type fall images.
Stay tuned for more fall images from my first 2024 walk in an Indiana forest,
As has become a tradition with my wife and I over the past few years, we spend some time in Indiana in the fall, staying in a cabin just a little outside of Brown County State Park, Indiana’s largest state park and one that has beautiful trees and attracts many visitors during the leaf peeping season.
This year the fall color was sketchy, slowly developing and never fully developed due to warmer weather and drought. As a result, we stayed a week longer than we normally would this year and even in early November, the fall color never quite achieved its normal full blown coverage, which is not to say that the fall was not beautiful and enjoyable, just not as good as previous years.
A couple of days after we arrived in Indiana, there was a full moon. So even though the fall color was just beginning to show in most trees, I went into Brown County State Park to shoot the moon rise over Ogle Lake. I arrived early to pick a location from which to shoot the moon rise. I have a couple of apps on my iPhone, which I use for determining where the sun and moon rise and set. I used one of those to determine a good shooting location, yet there is always some uncertainty in determining where exactly those events might first show up on the local horizon. After walking around a bit I picked a couple of spots that I thought would work well, then I retrieved my camera and tripod from my vehicle and went to my first choice, which was atop a concrete cover of an overflow drain for the lake, only to discover that a late day fisherwoman had taken that spot for some late day fishing. I had noted a number of fishermen along the north bank, which has a number of clear areas that seem popular with fishermen. I then proceeded to my second choice along the south bank at the end of the dam and set up there.
I made a number of shots from that location, while I waited for the moonrise. The lake surface had been rippled by wind, when I first arrived, but became very smooth and mirror like, when the wind abated.
Readers will note that the first two images in this post are the exact same composition. Yet the images are very different due to the clouds moving overhead.
While I waited, I kept an eye on my first chosen location, which had a good view right down the middle of the lake, hoping that the fisherwoman might abandon that location, which she did. I then went back to that location, making a few images there as I waited for the moonrise.
If viewers look closely, fishermen can be seen along the bank on the left of each of these images.
This lake is popular with visitors and more showed up as I waited. A few inquired what I was shooting and noted my wide angle lens, which I had chosen to capture the scene. I knew the wide angle lens would make the moon look small and I had some reservations about that. I had my 24-70mm and 80-400mm in my vehicle, which I thought about retrieving so that I could zoom in on the moon, when it came up, but I decided to stick with the wide angle to include more of the lake and forest in my images.
A local photographer with young clients came along, shooting her clients from the top of the dam with the lake and forest as background. I’m guessing she might have been doing engagement photos or some such social images. As she wrapped up her shooting, she asked me what I was shooting. She had not been aware of the expected full moon this evening. We talked for awhile and she mentioned how much she liked shooting at Yellowwood Lake in Yellowwood State Forest, which is not far away. I have shot there a couple of times, during past visits to this area. In fact, I had encountered a female photographer shooting a young couple there the first time I visited that area. I think the photographer I encountered this evening is the same that I encountered a few years ago at Yellowwood Lake, although I did not mention that to her. Small world.
Some of the passerby’s on the dam that I had chatted with, returned to say that the full moon was visible from the location, where I had first set up. I abandoned my first choice and hastened back to my second choice, where the full moon was already visible.
I made the image above from the dam, just above where I first had set up at the lake edge. I wanted to get some of the vegetation along the lake edge as foreground, before going down to the lake edge.
This final image is from the south lake edge just below the dam. Of course, I made numerous other images, but these are representative of those.
I am a little disappointed that I did not have my 24-70mm with me, so that I could change lenses and get a closer shot of the moon, but at the time, I thought that I would return again the next evening to shoot the moon rise again. Something prevented my going out that next evening. Lesson learned, take advantage of shooting opportunities, whenever possible.
More fall photos coming up,
Finally, spotting what I knew had to be the Bonsai Rocks, I worked my way down and along trails to get closer.
These boulders in the edge of Lake Tahoe are obviously a popular destination for kayakers.
If there had not been so many people climbing on and around these rocks, I might have gone down closer to the lake shore and spent more time photographing here, even though the light was harsh for getting the best images.
There were other beach areas that I wanted to visit, but this area in the summer months is much too crowded, and with numerous road construction projects along the route around the lake, getting around was slow and difficult, so I decided now was not a good time to try to get into those areas.
After lunch in North Lake Tahoe, we visited some local shops, where I chatted with a local photographer, who had many beautiful photos of this area and many of Bonsai Rocks at sunset and sunrise. He said he did not go to Bonsai Rocks in the summer, because there were always too many tourist around.
Here is a link to that photographer’s webpage, where one can see the photographic possibilities in this area: Bill Stevenson.
This wraps up photography from our August road trip.
Thanks for following,