More old stuff found in Indiana Antique stores.

Hint: Old rusty railroad spikes can often be found in large numbers alongside railroads, where these are left after railroad repairs.

I learned not long ago, via one of my British Flickr contacts, that Toppers is an old British term for hats.

This is the first time I’ve seen this type tall Texaco oil bottle. Usually, these are all shaped like the Gulf and John Deere ones adjacent to the Texaco bottle.

Apparently, enclosed cog wheels was an advanced feature in the age of this wringer washing machine. Probably a safety feature.

A pre-computer version of a home office.

The Garret is an old home that is now filled top to bottom with old stuff everywhere. It is run by an elderly couple that purchased the old home many years ago. I was not able to stand back far enough to get the best shot, especially after having to edit the original photo to make this structure look more upright. I was inspired to take this shot by the clouds in the blue sky above. It reminds me of something that might have appeared in the movie “Ghost Busters”.
That is all of the old stuff, at least for now.
Fun post! I love old stuff! 🙂
Thanks, Denise. Old stuff has a way of bringing back old memories of yesterday.