The drainage pattern in the foreground is in an heart like shape, hence the title for this photo.

A row of small hoodoos along a thin wall in a Bisti valley. Getting low isolates two of the hoodoos against the sky.

A little different view of the same row of hoodoos. Shooting from a higher angle shows the early morning shadows of small foreground hoodoos.

Looking skyward up a steep slope of loose clay towards features on the top of the slope.

The feature on top of the hill above, looks like an old ship’s hull to me.

We first spotted the tall, skinny looking hoodoo in the photo above from a far distance and initially thought it too far away and inaccessible, but we later found a way to get to it. This feature is actually visible in the far background of at least two other images in this post. I will leave it to readers to find it in those images.
Once we got to the base of this ‘Skinny” hoodoo, we realized that it was only skinny looking from one angle.

A view from another side looking along the hilltop where this hoodoo resides, shows that it is not really skinny at all.

Another view of the “Skinny” hoodoo (left side).
After getting to the Skinny Hoodoo, we also found a shorter route into the area where we had been shooting by walking through valleys and washes back towards the west.
More later,