After driving around sightseeing and scouting in an extended area in Southeastern Colorado, we returned to our campsite on BLM land north of Del Norte to prepare for sunset and/or night time photography.
Readers will recall seeing this photograph of the end of a volcanic peak north of the road that we were camped along:

I kept wondering what the view was like in the saddle behind that peak. The steep slope had made me reluctant to hike up there, but today I decided I had to check out the view from that saddle. So I attacked the slope, trying to take the easiest route, but still I had to climb steep portions.
Here is an iPhone panorama from the saddle.

I think this view would be good for star trails, but there is infrastructure (not visible in this small image) in the far distance that would have lights showing up in night shots.
The image below is looking more to the southwest. Again not too bad a view. One can see my son, pondering the photographic possibilities from here, in the orange shirt just to the lower right of the main ridge peak, .

Another view to the west to northwest is below.

This last image shows how steep the slope is that one has to climb to get up here. Our vehicles are just barely visible in the right center of this image.
After some discussion, we decided it was not worth the effort to make the trek back up here for night shots, then have to trudge up early in the morning to retrieve our cameras, hike back down and get to another location for sunrise photos.
On the way back to our vehicles I paused to check out the roadway for use in additional leading line photographs from a location more to the west of the other photos taken the day before, which used this roadway as a leading line.

Stay tuned to see how the night photography worked out.