Bisti Wilderness, May 2019, Day 7 Sunset

The destination for a final sunset shoot on the last day of my May 2019 visit to the Bisti Wilderness was the same as yesterday’s, since yesterday’s sunset light was obscured by heavy clouds on the western horizon.  I really liked my chosen location and this was my last chance to shoot here on this visit.  There were some clouds today, but not so heavy as yesterday.

The light turned out to be good at sunset, but not great.  The clouds on the western horizon blocked the light until just a few minutes before sunset.  Even after the sun dropped below the denser clouds, there were still wispy clouds defusing the light.  However, I think I got a few good images.

North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 48mm, f/16, 1.0s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 70mm, f/16, 1.0s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

As yesterday, I had to navigate carefully getting into position for various compositions, being careful about where and how I walked, where I stood near steep drop offs and using care in setting the tripod.  This was not a place in which to get careless or make sudden, unplanned moves.

North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 52mm, f/16, 1.0s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 55mm, f/16, 0.6s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 42mm, f/16, 0.6s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
North Bisti hoodoos and vista at sunset. Nikon D850, Nikon 24-70mm @ 42mm, f/16, 0.6s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

This post wraps up my May 2019 visit to the Bisti Wilderness.  There is still much that I have not seen or photographed here, so I expect that I will return sometime in the future.

I hope that my readers have enjoyed following along with my experiences and photography here.


2 thoughts on “Bisti Wilderness, May 2019, Day 7 Sunset”

  1. I have so much enjoyed your ramblings through the hoodoos of the Bisti Wilderness. If it were not for you and all your leg work exploring the area with camera and phone in hand, I would have never had the opportunity to explore this fascinating area of our country. I will look forward to more of your adventures, for sure!

    1. Shutterpug, thanks so much for following my blog. I am looking forward to more exploration and I had hoped to be in southern Arizona this time of the year, but I’m now involved in a home project that is consuming my daytime life and sometimes causing restless nights. I really need to get away soon. I will at least go on a trip somewhere in March, destination undecided at this time.

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