Even though the afternoon light was not the most flattering for outdoor photography, it was unlikely that I would pass this way again in the foreseeable future, so I photographed the scenery while I could.

Some of the vegetation around Mono Lake gets coated with the chemicals dissolved in the water of Mono Lake. I assume this happens as winds across the lake spray water onto the vegetation or by some similar method.

There are similarities in the various components in this image, which are subtle, but the more I looked at this scene, I noted the ripples in the water, the varying heights of the tufa and the undulation in the mountains in the background. These features reminded me of vibrational waves , like those in music, hence the title “Symphonic”.

The chemicals in Mono Lake are surfactants that weaken the surface tension in the water, allowing bubbles to hang around for a long time, rather than disappearing quickly, which normally happens, when surfactants are not present in the water.

Maybe the little tufa in the foreground is the maestro behind this orchestral scene.
Until next time,