Old Stuff – Lubbock, TX

On a road trip to Santa Fe, NM and Colorado, our first night stop over in route was in Lubbock, TX.  Lubbock is not along the shortest route to our final destinations, but I decided a new route was desirable, having often repeated the same route in that direction.

After checking into our motel, we had a little time to kill before dinner.  Looking around for something to do, my wife found a number of her favorite type places to visit, antique malls.  So we picked one that was only a few miles away and was still open, but closing soon.


I found a number of old cameras to inspect and photograph with my iPhone.


It is amazing how many different makes, models and designs there were in the earlier days of photography.

Lazy $4 & $7 Cash Register

In my high school days and on into college years, I worked in an old style drug store in a small town.  The store had only two cash registers, both manual types, similar to, but more basic than those in the images in this post, one small one and one larger one.

Manual Powered
Dollars and Cents
Just Bottles, no Medications

This particular antique store had old style drugstore furnishings, including many glass display counters and behind the counter shelves with sliding glass doors, similar to those in the store in which I worked.  I only recently learned that the reason for such furnishings were that people were not trusted to have access to the products and open style shelving is a relatively recent development, first introduced in Piggly Wiggly grocery stores in the early 1900.

Sulfa Drugs
Old Wine

These bottles still contain liquid, although they are no longer full.  I’m guessing the wine is no longer good, even though it is well aged.

Old Wine

Many other beverage types and brands are always found in these old stuff stores.  Coffee seems to be one of the favorites.

Free Hosiery
Coffee Tins
Yellow & Blue?

Those stripes look black to me.  Maybe it is navy blue?

Everything with Diana Lynn

Tobacco related items are also popular.  I did not recall Diana Lynn, which prompted me to do a brief internet research.  I’m thankful that the internet allows for such easy research on almost any topic from almost anywhere.  No library browsing required.  If not for this old advertising poster, I might never have known anything about Diana Lynn.

Sewing with the Jones’

My wife recently purchased an old Singer sewing machine.  It is the same model as her mom used, so the purchase was based upon nostalgia.  The machine works, but I replaced one of the electric cords, since the original one looked hazardous.  I had to refinish an old cabinet for the machine, too.  But not the original cabinet that the machine came in, since that one was not acceptable to my wife.  Now we have an extra sewing machine in our garage that was in the refinished cabinet.  Contact me if you are in the market for a sewing machine, no reasonable offer will be refused.  Heck, I’ll even give it away to anyone that will take it away.

Some items in this store were subject to censorship.

Censored 1
Censored 2

This is enough to drive one to drink.

Let’s have a Banquet

But here is an ice box to keep our beer cold:

Ice Box

I hope to have regained my sanity before the next post.


Kentucky, Fall 2021

On our way to Indiana in the fall of 2021, my wife and I stayed a couple of days in a small Kentucky town, where she was born.  Her sister and brother in law from Florida met us there.  There are few relatives left here, but their genealogy runs back many years in this area.  Chasing that genealogy was part of the incentive for this brief visit.

When not visiting the local library and graveyards, we killed a little time visiting an antique store a few miles outside of town.  Since I could not be out shooting local landscapes and/or farm scenes here, I consoled myself with making a few images of old antique items with my iPhone.

Chew on This

In the parking lot of the antiques store an old GMC truck, with the store name painted on the passenger side door, drew my attention.  It appears that this truck had been sitting for years in one location and had to be rescued from a tree that had grown between the front bumper and the body.  The windshield interior is covered with mildew, which seems appropriate for the cloudy, rainy day.

Look what I bit off

Near the truck were a couple of old, rusty farm implements.

Seed Planter

Inside the store, I snapped a few images of some of the old items offered for sale.

Crush It

I drank Orange Crush soft drink from a short, dark brown bottle in my very young days, but I never saw it in these screw top jars.  Maybe these predate those more common little, brown bottles?

Perfect Mason

Ball Mason jars seem to be one of the most common items found in these type stores.


I can actually remember some older folks having these old radio and/or record players (bottom pull out here) in their homes, when I was a young child.


Other frequently found items are old wooden crates for bottled beverages and/or liquor.

Sewing Tractor

Creative, crafty people sometimes come up with unique ideas for transforming antiques into whimsical items, like the sewing machine tractor in the image above.  This was a first for me, I had never seen this done anywhere else. There were a couple of these in this store.  The other was labeled as a John Deere.

On to Indiana next,



Indiana, Fall 2020, Odds and Ends, Part 2

This is a continuation of my iPhone photography in Indiana Antique Stores in October, 2020.

Pile of Cameras, iPhone Photos

I think the camera in the middle is an Argus brand.  I had an Argus C3 that I acquired, when I was in high school.  I do not know what happened to that camera.

Antique Dinner Plates, iPhone Photo
Old Glasses, Monochrome iPhone Photo

There are always lots of old jars, bottles, dishes and glassware in the antique malls.  Sometimes the displays make interesting photograph subjects, sometimes not.

Old Glasses, Monochrome, iPhone Photo
An antique lard bucket, iPhone Photo

Lard was a common cooking item up until not so many years ago and I suppose some people may still use it.  It was a common item in my childhood home.

Mild and Satisfying?, iPhone Photo
Old Scythes and Hand Saw, iPhone Photo

One of those tools looks out of place.  I even have a rusting Sears Craftsman handsaw in my garage, that I’ve not used for many years.  It does not have the carvings on the wood handle that this older one has.

Antique Bottles, iPhone Photo

More bottles and jars.

Antique Jars, iPhone Photo
An old Automobile Service Station Jar, iPhone Photo

Was this bottle used to contain gasoline or motor oil?

Old Blue Jars, iPhone Photo
Antique Wood Spoke Ford Automobile Wheel, iPhone Photo

This wheel was still attached to an old automobile or truck in the backyard of an antique store in a Indiana small town.  The blue bottles in the photo above the wheel photo were in the same outdoor space near the automobile.

Back Lighted Antique Jars, iPhone Photo
Back Lighted Antique Jars, iPhone Photo
Canning Jars, Monochrome, iPhone Photo

That’s it for the antiques and this wraps up photographs from our fall trip to Indiana.



Indiana, Fall 2020, Odds and Ends, Part 1

A cold front blew through on one of our days in Indiana in October, 2020, bringing rain and significantly colder temperatures.  The wind caused a temporary power outage in our country cabin that lasted for a few hours.

My wife had been out into the local area with relatives, visiting antique and craft stores, while I was out shooting photos.  She wanted to see a few more of these places and venture further away, so we made plans to do this, during the colder, rainy weather.

I did not take my DSLR on our outing, but I used my iPhone to capture a few images of some of the items on display in the antique stores.

Antique Jars with Lids, iPhone Photo
A collection of old woodworker hand planes, iPhone Photo

I’m not much for acquiring these old items, but am intrigued by some of these items.  Especially, the old craftsman type tools, maybe because I’m a bit of a do-it-yourselfer, with some experience with woodworking.

Old Woodworker Chisels, iPhone Photo
Old Carpenter Rules and Tools, iPhone Photo

I actually have a collection of old rules (and a few marking gauges, too).  My rules are very much like those in the photo above.  I was into collecting these years ago.  I still like these old rules and I’m tempted to purchase others, but so far, I’m resisting the urge to acquire more.

Golden Wedding Whiskey Bottle, iPhone Photo

I wonder what the honeymoon was like after consuming a bottle of Golden Wedding Whiskey?

Norma Jean, aka Marilyn, iPhone Photo

Maybe with Marilyn it would still be a good honeymoon.

To be continued,
