Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge – Sunrise, Day 2

This post was scheduled for last week, but somehow (according to WordPress) missed its publication schedule.  So I’m manually posting it today.

I returned to Little Baldy for sunrise photography the morning of my second day in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.

Wichita Mountains Sunrise 1
Wichita Mountains Sunrise 2
Little Baldy Morning
Hearty Climb
Heart Line

The heart shaped rock perched at the top of Little Baldy caught my eye.  I positioned myself to shoot up the rock fracture towards that rock.  Working my way around this area, I discovered that the large, curved rock in the bottom right of this image forms a bridge over the rock below it.  I tried to get very low and shoot through the bridge, but I was not successful getting photos that adequately revealed what I was trying to capture.

Hearty Warming Light
Wichita Mountains Morning
Hard Heart Morning
Prickly Pear Morning

That concludes the best results of this morning’s shoot,


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