Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, March 2022, Part 23 – Abandoned Drilling Rig and Scouting Photography

Abandoned Rig, iPhone Photo

Heading northwards along a dirt road in the northern portion of Capitol Reef National Park (actually, this is probably outside the park boundary, maybe on private land or BLM public land), is this abandoned drilling rig.  I think it was a water well rig.  It reminds me of the old cable tool rigs used in the very early days of oil well drilling, with its wooden mast and wooden flywheel.

Desert Grafiti, iPhone Photo

The old truck body has been used as an artist canvas and for target shooting by someone or someones.

Abandoned Rig, iPhone Photo
Abandoned Rig, iPhone Photo

There was a watering facility near this old rig for a local cattle herd.  Some of the cattle watched me as I watched them to be sure none of them took exception to my presence.

One never knows what one might find in the great open spaces of the western U.S.

Desert Overlook, Capitol Reef National Park, iPhone Photo
Desert Overlook, Capitol Reef National Park, iPhone Photo
Painted Hills, Capitol Reef National Park, iPhone Photo

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