Abandoned Houses and Structures, Colorado, March 2021

I had seen a number of abandoned houses and/or ranch/farm structures along my route home on previous trips this way.  I decided that I would take time to photograph a few of these on my way home.

Roof Collapsing.

Abandoned House and Sheds

A closer look at the sheds

A closer look at the house

Abandoned House

All of the structures in the photos above are in close proximity to each other and on private property.  I’m sure all of these were part of one settlement, ranch or other operation at one time.  These are just off of a major highway, so they are easily observed by anyone traveling that highway.

The abandoned house in the following photos is not very near a highway, but it can be spotted from a major highway by a careful observer.

That’s all for this portion of my homeward journey,


2 thoughts on “Abandoned Houses and Structures, Colorado, March 2021”

    1. Yes, there must be many interesting happenings is some of the old abandoned houses that I see scattered around the rural areas. Some time ago, I received a Flickr e-mail from someone that saw a photo of a large, old, abandoned farm house in North Carolina that I had photographed, nine years previous to her inquiry, from a distance across a farm field and posted the photo on Flickr. That person, Kelly Gomez, has a website called The Forgotten South, theforgottensouth.com/forgotten-south-society/, where she writes about such abandoned houses with as much history as she can find about those that built and lived in those homes. Unfortunately, even though I recalled the general area of that farm house, it was before I began using a GPS device to record locations, so I could only give possible routes for her to search along. The most recent post on The Forgotten South is about a ghost town in Mississippi, that was a runner up to being chosen as the capital of Mississippi. I think that post is one of the most detailed and interesting one that I’ve seen on that website. (I subscribe to Kelly’s newsletter/blog). I grew up in Mississippi, have been in the vicinity of that town, but I do not ever recall knowing anything about the existence of that town.

      Thanks for following,


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