Indiana, Fall 2021, Part 4

More iPhone photos from antique stores.


Glassware of all sorts and colors are in plentiful supply is such places.

Silver Rings
Glassware B&W

Monochrome conversions often work well for images of the glassware.

Pink Glass
Pink Glass
Soft Drink Crates

Wooden crates are common offerings in antique stores.  I’m old enough to recall the time when these crates were used and most soft drinks came in glass bottles, rather than cans or plastic bottles.  These crates were useful for sitting on, when placed on end and it was not uncommon to see these used in such a fashion.

Campbell Soup Crates

I do not recall these Campbell soup crates in use.

Cool Vinyl Storage

Instead of an RC cola and a moon pie, how about an RC and a vinyl record?

