Spring 2019 Road Trip – Bisti – Day 3 – Sunrise

There is an area just to the southeast of the Bisti south parking area that we had previously ignored, thinking there was probably nothing of interest there; but we decided to explore that area, anyway.  It was only a few minutes hike from the parking area, so we did not have to allow nearly as much time for getting to it.  We found canyons with numerous branches there to explore.

One of a number of canyons near the south Bisti parking area. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm at 24mm, f/11, 1/10s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

One of the problems with photographing in canyons is that large portions of them tend to be in shadow at both sunrise and sunset and the light in the canyons either later in the day after sunrise or earlier in the day at sunset can be harsh.

One of a number of canyons near the south parking area for Bisti Wilderness. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm at 22mm, f/11, 1/13s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

For the shot above, I found a place to actually sit on a large rock and look down this canyon and wait for sunrise light. I have purposely left deeper shadows in the foreground to contrast with the early morning light on the background, with the dark bottom of the canyon and the walls of the canyon leading the eye towards the background.  The photo looks a bit dark in this post.  Click on the photo to see this image on Flickr, where a larger view will make it look much better.  Perhaps, I left too much shadow and darkness for some computer screen viewing?  My monitor is fairly bright and the image looks good viewing it in Adobe Lightroom.  But perhaps, I should re-visit the editing and bring up the shadow areas a little?

One of several canyons near the Bisti south parking area. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm at 24mm, f/11, 1/80s, ISO 64. Edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

The photo above is near a branch in one of the canyons nearest to the south Bisti parking lot.  This shot is taken much later in the morning than sunrise shots are normally taken, but note the deep shadows on the east side of the canyon wall.

After our morning experience in these canyons, we decided that sunset might be a better time for photography here and to return to shoot here at sunset, which will be the topic of the day 3 sunset post.
