Spring 2019 – Bisti Day 3 – Scouting

My son and I scouted an area in the southern portion of Bisti that he had previously visited and nicknamed “Scalloped Rocks”.  This area has a rich variety of oddly shaped rocks and small hoodoos.

Day 3 March2019 Scout @ Scalloped Rocks
“Scalloped Rocks” area in South Bisti. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DXO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

I just happened to be in a good location to snap a photo of my son framed by these rock forms, while we hiked around this area looking for potential photographic compositions.

Day 3 March2019 Scout @ Scalloped Rocks
“Scalloped Rocks” area in South Bisti. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DXO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

Small eroded hills with rocks balanced on their peaks near the “Scalloped Rocks” area in south Bisti are in the photo above.

Day 3 March2019 Scout @ Scalloped Rocks
“Scalloped Rocks” area in South Bisti. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DXO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

The slender hoodoo and attractive rock formation is typical of this area.  (Or is that an alien being next to its space ship?  Perhaps, as one reader has suggested, the isolation in this wilderness may be warping my mind and leading to wild imaginings).

Day 3 March2019 Scout @ Scalloped Rocks
“Scalloped Rocks” area in South Bisti. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DXO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

There are many rock forms similar to those shown in this post and many other interestingly shaped rocks in this area.  I liked the potential of this area, so we will plan to visit here again either at sunrise or sunset on one or two of our days here.

[None of the photos in this post are on my Flickr page].

Thanks for following,
