Indiana Fall 2022 – Part 7 – Old Automobiles

Continued from Part 6:

Scrolling Along
Chevy Grunge
Lamp Shadow
Austin Front End
Austin Fall
Austin Fall 2
Blue Light Special
Shamrock Dodge
Rusty, Orange Chevy Truck

That’s it for the old autos.


Rusting Automobiles, July 2021

I just realized that I had overlooked a few items that I wanted to get into a post, after I already have a number of post scheduled.  So to keep with the chronological order that I prefer for my posts, I’m slipping in an additional post this week, rather than rework my scheduled post dates.


In route to the Grand Canyon North Rim, I spotted a couple of old, rusting away automobiles that I took time to shoot.  This Pontiac was located such that I could not get good, isolated images without including distracting items in the photos.  This cropped image is the best that I could get.

Rusty Ford Automobile

Parked in front of a church, as if waiting for AAA, to replace a tire, is this rusty, early Ford.

Crank Ready
Early Ford Automobile

Looks like this old Ford has been here a long time.

Early Ford Automobile
Early Ford Automobile Wheel

Ok, that’s it for this short post,
