Indiana Fall 2023, Part 8 – Autumn in Brown County State Park

Autumn 1, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023

After my sunrise shoot in Brown County State Park, I drove around the park, stoping at various locations, walking along the roadway, shooting the autumn color.

BCSP Fall 1, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 1, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023

I included the roadway in a number of images, mostly as a leading line, but also because the road through the forest just looked so appealing.  I hope I have not put too much of the asphalt into these images.

BCSP Winding Road 2, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 3, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
Autumn 2, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
BCSP Fall Woodland 1, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
Autumn 3, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
Fall Freckles, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
BCSP Winding Road 4, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023
Autumn 4, Brown County State Park, October 26, 2023

Well, I’m back to my vehicle, so time to move on to another location,


Indiana Fall 2023, Part 3 – Backroad Photography

Indiana Backroad, October 24, 2023

A good way to enjoy fall color in Indiana is via a simple drive along the tree lined roadways, especially the backroads, where there are few houses or commercial facilities to spoil the views.  The roads make good leading lines, but I do worry about having too much road in the images, since the most interesting subject is not the roadway.

Indiana Backroad Forest 1, October 24, 2023

It is not always possible to find a safe place to pull over off of the roadways, but where possible, one can get fall forest images right beside the road.

Indiana Backroad Forest 2, October 24, 2023
Indiana Backroad Forest 3, October 24, 2023

Until next time,




Indiana Fall 2023, Part 1

As has become a tradition, my wife and I spent a couple of weeks in Indiana in the fall of 2023.  We stay in a cabin just a short distance outside of Brown County State Park, a popular park for fall leaf peepers.

I visited the park. on a number of our days in the vicinity, for photography and even when traveling to another destination, we most often took a route through the park just to enjoy the beautiful fall color in the park.

Brown County State Park 1, October 24, 2023
BCSP 2, October 24, 2023
BCSP  3, October 24, 2023
BCSP 4,  October 24, 2023
BCSP 5,  October 24, 2023
BCSP 6, October 24, 2023
BCSP 7, October 24, 2023

All of the photos in this post were shot at or near one of the overlooks within the park.

We had an interesting encounter at this location.  I noted a park visitor on an electric bike and I asked him about his bike.  He was kind enough to give me much information about the bike, its features and even how much he paid for it.  When my wife joined in the conversation, she discovered that the biker and she had attended the same high school.  Even though they attended the school some years apart, they knew some of the same people that were students at that school.  Such a small world consequence!

Until next time,
