I left Ogle Lake and drove back towards the main roadway. I stopped at a pull out before getting to the main route and walked along the roadway to shoot more just off the road. As I walked beside the road I came to a trail, so I decided to take a short walk along the trail.

The trail was covered with fallen leaves along much of the route that I walked. The trail is just barely discernible in the lower left of the image above.

It was mostly overcast on this day. The dullness of the sky in the background gives the images too much of a fuzzy look for my taste; but it was what I was given today.

My short walk along the trail turned into a longer hike than I had planned. The trail meandered through the forest with frequent changes in direction, eventually following high above a ravine. The trail followed the ravine for quite a way, then crossed the ravine, then went along side the ravine in the opposite direction. I eventually came to a junction in the trail near a park roadway. I walked out of the woods to the road. I did not know which road I was on, but I knew the direction I needed to go to find my vehicle. I walked the roadway to a junction, which turned out to be the route to Ogle Lake. I only had to walk a short distance along the road towards Ogle Lake to my vehicle.
On my way out of the park I stopped to shoot at an overlook.

That’s it for this shoot,
Beautiful fall colors! If I went on a rambling hike like that, I would more than likely get lost!
Thanks, Fay. I’m sure you would not get lost on such an apparent trail as I hiked; but you might have gotten disoriented. However, for the latter portion of the hike, I could hear the road traffic, so I knew I could always hike towards the road noise and get back onto a main road in the park. In some places that might have required hiking up a steep hill, though. I was rather sure that the trail would come to or near a junction leading to the road, if I just stayed on the trail long enough.