During our September, 2019 visit to Liberty, Kentucky, we stayed in a VRBO rental near Russel Springs, Kentucky and the Cumberland Lake. The rental was in the country about a 45 minute drive via country roads to Liberty. Nearly each day, we drove by an interesting looking country antique place. What initially caught my eye was an old, rusty Ford pickup truck out front with the sign “Sue’s” on it.

Late one day on our way past, I decided to stop to get an iPhone shot of the old truck. It was just after hours for the antique place, but the owner, Sue, saw us and came out to chat with us. She actually opened a couple of the small store units and let us look around.

Barbara bought a small item that she liked and I browsed around, mostly outside, shooting interesting objects around her stores.

Sue even told me to check her yard decor at her house next door to the antique stores and invited Barbara into her house to look at her antiques.

Sue had interesting yard decor with a definite country flair.

Sue had numerous old grinding wheels and grist mill wheels. These must have been a real chore to move around.

There is something very appealing, nostalgic and comforting about country yard decor such as Sue’s.

As I was browsing around Sue’s yard, her husband, a retired school bus driver, arrived after doing some tractor work for someone. We chatted about the old truck, which he had wanted to paint, but Sue did not want the truck painted, which I think is fortunate, as it looks quite appealing in its current rusty state. Sue’s husband showed me a photograph of an old automobile in a pasture, which he was acquiring from someone he knew. He said he would paint that old car, since he was forbidden to paint the old truck.
Before we got away, I was fortunate to get a sunset shot, although it is only via my iPhone, which does not handle the high light contrast very well.

Sue’s husband also had put small lights in the old truck’s headlight holes, so I got a shot of the truck with the light on at sunset.

It is always amazing to me how friendly our country people are and it is always a pleasant surprise to meet people like Sue and her husband.
That’s all for now,
What a fun entry this is! You captured her vintage collections so well and probably saw more than the average customer might see. And you know I love her quirky garden! And that old rusty truck with it’s driver just has to make you smile!
Shutterpug, I thought about you and your garden as I was making the images. I was rather sure you would like Sue’s garden. If not for that old rusty Ford pickup, I might never have stopped by and I would have missed this experience completely. Thanks for the comment.
What a great find! You make me reminisce about the years I spent living in West Virginia.
Thanks, Mike. Yes, I can believe you would see many things like this in that part of the states.