Spring 2019 Road Trip – Bisti – Day 7 – Scouting

Midday of day 7, and our final day in Bisti, my son and I returned to the north area of Bisti to explore and scout potential areas to return to later.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Petrified tree stumps in north Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

We found these large petrified tree stumps in the broad wash area that we have to cross on our way into this area.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
A petrified tree stump in Bisti. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

Here is another petrified tree stump we found.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
A petrified tree stump in Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

And a view from the top side of the stump reveals more color from mineralization and lichen.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Beneath the x in the sky iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

My son seems to have found the magic spot beneath the big X in the sky.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Someone called these the conversing hoodoos for obvious reason. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

I had GPS coordinates for features someone labeled “Conversing Hoodoos”.  I had not seen photos of these, so I had no idea what they would look like; but upon finding them, it was obvious why these were so named.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Numerous wing like hoodoos in north Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

In the same general area as the conversing hoodoos are

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Assorted hoodoos in the northern Bisti area iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

other large wing like hoodoos.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Large wing like hoodoos in north Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

More large wing like hoodoos that we saw in this area are in the photo above.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
I’ve nicknamed this feature “Jack rabbit Hoodoo” iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

When the wing like feature above is view at just the right angle, it has a jack rabbit like appearance, hence my calling it “Jack Rabbit Hoodoo”.  This feature is in the vicinity of the Conversing Hoodoos.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Many large hoodoos in Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

The large wing like hoodoo features in the photo above are, also, nearby the conversing hoodoos.

Day 7 March2019 Bisti North Scouting
Photo scouting in North Bisti iPhone photo, edited in Adobe LR and DxO Nik Color Efex Pro 4.

My son walks past one of the rock features on the north side in the above photo.  Note how far one can see from an upper elevation in Bisti.  This is very helpful, when navigating this area.  There are landmarks that one can see from miles away from higher elevations,  such as this, and use those landmarks to navigate by.

Although, we found many interesting places for photography on the north side of Bisti, we did not have time to get back to this area for either sunrise or sunset photography during this visit.  I returned to this area the last week of May, 2019 and spent many hours photographing and wandering this area.  That visit will be the subject of more blog posts in the future.

Until next time,
