After trips to Colorado in September and to Indiana in October, not much else happened with my photography hobby during the middle winter months of November, 2020 through February, 2021.
Part of this inactivity might be blamed upon the COVID19 pandemic, which suppressed much activity, but I’ve found that the deep winter months with holidays and severe weather and numerous personal things that tend to happen in this interval always seem to suppress my photography activity. Each year, I have tentative plans in this interval that always seem to get squashed for some reason or another.
This year was no different. My wife and I did get out more frequently after we received our COVID19 vaccinations and I made a few iPhone images on those outings, but nothing new or exciting. We were still wearing masks and taking precautions, which greatly reduce the pleasure of being out of the house.

In the middle of February the great Texas freeze of 2021 hit, which kept most people home for a week or so. We were fortunate that we never lost electric power, so we were able to stay comfortable in our home, unlike so many others.

It is not uncommon to get a brief, strong cold front here, but this one was exceptional. We’ve had ice form along the edges of the waterfall from the pool spa in the past, but this is the first time we’ve had the surface of the pool freeze. There was not enough ice in our pool to cause any damage, but some pools in this area were damaged due to the frozen pool water surface.
Until spring,