Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Last Post in this Series

This is a continuation of my visits to Indiana covered bridges in October, 2019.  I am including multiple bridges in this post, due to the limited photographic opportunities at these bridges.

The Edna Collins Bridge (follow the link to read more about the haunting of this bridge) is a short bridge along a narrow paved roadway.  I parked on the side of the road, after getting out to check to be sure it was safe to pull onto the steeply dipping shoulder.

Edna Collins Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/200s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

There was no way to get down into the creek to shoot a side view.  The bridge is aligned approximately east-west, so shooting from the west side in the late afternoon was best.

Leaving Edna Collins, I drove to Crooks Bridge.  There is much confusion about the history of this bridge.  Follow the embedded link to read about it.  This seemed to be a popular bridge on one of the Covered Bridge Festival routes, as there was a fair amount of tourist traffic that I had to contend with as I looked for ways to shoot it.  My shots from one end at an angle to the bridge, resulted in a very tilted look that I could not adequately correct.  I also attempted to shoot from a low water, concrete crossing beside the bridge, but I could not get anything worth sharing from that perspective, looking into the afternoon sunlight.  Finally, I walked down the steep slope on the northwest corner of the bridge into the creek bed, from which I got this shot:

Crooks Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 17mm, f/11, 1/400s, ISO 2500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

From Crooks Bridge, I continued to McAllister Bridge.   I parked at a pull off area and began to walk around the bridge checking out various view points before getting out my camera gear.  On my way back to the vehicle to get my gear, another car pulled up and a couple of ladies emerged and began walking towards the bridge.  As they passed me one said, “Houston”.  It was obvious that she had seen my Texas license plate.  I thought that she was asking, if I was from Houston, but she was actually telling me that she was from Houston and went on to say she was visiting relatives in the area.  I had lived in Katy, in the western portion of the greater Houston area and of course she knew about Katy.  Such a small world.

Shooting options at McAllister were limited.  I could see no way to get any interesting shots and I ended up with common views.  This image, shot from the edge of the roadway, looking up at the front and side of the bridge, is the most interesting perspective that I got.

McAllister Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 125, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Continuing on my way, I stopped at Neet Bridge, but I could see no way to get interesting shots today, so I continued to Roseville.  I experienced the same at Roseville, but I did make a few images with my iPhone, drove across the bridge, just because I was there, turning around and crossing it again to head towards Harry Evans Bridge.

Roseville Covered Bridge. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Many of the covered bridges have the “Cross this bridge at a walk” warning, but I saw no vehicles heeding this advice.  Most went much faster than I can walk and I can walk fast.

It was getting late in the day and the settings for the last few bridges that I visited were not interesting, so I did not bother getting out my DSLR and shot with my iPhone.  Some of these might be more interesting to shoot later in the fall or winter.

Harry Evans Covered Bridge. iPhone photograph, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Harry Evans Covered Bridge. iPhone photograph, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

By the time I got to the Zacke Cox Bridge, it was very late in the afternoon and time to begin the drive back to my wife’s cousin’s house.

Zacke Cox Covered Bridge. iPhone photograph, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

This is the last of the October, 2019 covered bridges posts.  Maybe I will get back to this area in the fall of 2020 and have opportunities  to see more of the covered bridges.

Until next time,







Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Dick Huffman Bridge

The third stop on day two of photographing Indiana covered bridges was the Dick Huffman Bridge.  I’m including a link to another bloggers site for his coverage of this bridge, rather than my usual links to an official government site.

Dick Huffman Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 640, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

As I was making my first shots of this bridge a number of vehicles crossed at intermittent intervals, stirring up dust, which I had to wait to clear.  One pickup truck stopped just passed the bridge.  The driver got out and walked towards the bridge.  As he passed, he said he was going to check the water flow.  I thought maybe he was doing some sort of official survey.  As I walked back through the bridge and was passing him, he explained that the following day was the youth duck hunting season opening and that he was taking his son duck hunting by putting a boat in at another location and floating down the creek.  He had hopped to not have to paddle the boat, but the flow looked very minimal, so he was going to have to paddle down the creek.

Dick Huffman Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 250, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The bridge is not really leaning as much as it appears in the above photograph.  Shooting from this angle the wide angle distortion accentuates the tilt and I could not remove it without tilting the roadway in the process.

Back on the other side of the bridge, I walked through the wooded area bordering the creek and found a way to get down into the creek.  It was a little muddy along the creek edge, but I managed to avoid the worst of the mud.  However, I had a limited area in which I could move around in the muddy channel, unless I wanted to get really muddy.

Dick Huffman Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 16mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 250, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The log makes a good leading line object, but I wish I could have gotten closer to the bridge.

Until next time,


Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Houck Bridge

The second bridge I visited in my second day of photographing Indiana covered bridges in October, 2019 was Houck Bridge.  Although Houck Bridge seems to be in very good condition, it has been by passed and is now closed to traffic.

Houck Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 400, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

One can still walk through the bridge, but not drive through it.  Access to the creek level is most easily gained from the west side.  There is also a sizable parking lot on the west side of the bridge, so I am guessing that this bridge is now set up as a prime tourist attraction.  A couple of people did come and go, while I was here.

The interior photograph is an HDR image made from multiple exposures.

Houck Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, multiple exposures, ISO 64, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Houck Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 1/125s, ISO 640, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Next up: Dick Huffman Bridge.


Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Dunbar Bridge

The last bridge that I got to late in the afternoon of my first day of photographing Indiana covered bridges was the Dunbar Bridge.  There was more traffic across this bridge than any of the other bridges that I had photographed earlier in the day, maybe because it was late in the day and people were going home after their work day was over.

Dunbar Covered Bridge and information sign. iPhone photo, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO modules.
Dunbar Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/4s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Wide angle lens distortion, especially when shooting from one side at an angle to the plane of the bridge, makes these bridges appear to be leaning to one side.  Some bridges were actually leaning a little and/or the sides were not vertical, so the distortion exaggerates the lean or angle.  I try to correct this in post processing, but sometimes it is not possible to completely correct the distortion.

Beneath Dunbar Covered Bridge.Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 5.0s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

To get to the creek for a side image, I had to walk beneath the bridge from the only easily accessible route.  This appears to be a popular place for young people, judging by the graffiti and many footprints in the sand.  Looking closely at the writing on the left hand side beam one can see a message from Missy proclaiming that she loves Ken.  I promise that I did not write that or anything else on the bridge.

Dunbar Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 21mm, f/11, 1.6s, ISO 64, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The side view of the bridge with the creek, bridge and tree reflections in the creek and the sandy shore line with the early fall foliage in the background was quite good.

Dunbar Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 3.0s, ISO 64, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The dim late day light required longer exposures, showing the motion in the clouds and probably blurring of the tree foliage moving in the wind.

Dunbar Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/16, 30.0s, ISO 200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Some of these images have embedded links to higher resolution images on Flickr.  Viewing the images there will let one see more detail.

Until next time,


Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Rolling Stone

My third stop during my first day of photographing Putnam County covered bridges was the Rolling Stone Bridge.

This bridge got its name from a large boulder in the creek that moved, when the current was strong.  That boulder was destroyed, as it was deemed a threat to the bridge.

Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Rolling Stone is a short, single span bridge in an attractive setting.

I shot multiple exposures of the inside, then combined those to  create HDR images.

Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, Multiple Exposures, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The engineering and construction of these bridges is remarkable.  These were designed to last for many years, although these do require maintenance, mostly to the exterior, from time to time.

Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, Multiple Exposures, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I was able to get down to the creek and shoot from several viewpoints along the creek shoreline.

Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/200s, ISO 2000, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/250s, ISO 3200, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 21mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Rolling Stone Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 18mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

More on Indiana covered bridges later,


Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Pine Bluff

The second stop during my first day of photographing covered bridges in Putnam County, Indiana was at the Pine Bluff Bridge.

Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The setting around Pine Bluff is more attractive than that around Cornstalk (see previous post) and this will be a great place to shoot, when the fall colors peak.

Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 20mm, f/11, 1/30s, ISO 640, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Pine Bluff Interior HDR.  Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, Multiple Exposures, ISO 64, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I found a way to get down to the creek, where I could walk along the edge of the creek and beneath the bridge to shoot it from both sides.

Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 640, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 640, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I experimented with the DxO Nik Selective Colorization of a monochrome image with a couple of the photographs taken of this bridge, bringing out the red color of the bridge after converting the images to monochrome.

Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/8, 1/400s, ISO 1600, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/8, 1/400s, ISO 1600, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/1
80s, ISO 800, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The photo above is my favorite of this bridge with the curved road leading to it.

A country road leading to Pine Bluff Covered Bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/3.5, 1/125s, ISO 500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The final image here is looking back from near the bridge down the roadway leading to the bridge.  I know this will be a great place to try to return to another time, when the fall colors are at their peak.

More on Indiana covered bridges to come,


Covered Bridges of Indiana – October, 2019 – Cornstalk Covered Bridge

Prior to visiting Indiana in October, 2019, I had never realized that Indiana had so many covered bridges.  I have seen numerous covered bridges in the New England states, which seem to get lots of attention, but I had never heard much about covered bridges anywhere else.

Part of the reason for our trip to Indiana was to attend a number of the Covered Bridge Festivals in an area west of Indianapolis.  These are very popular events, drawing many locals and others from far away.  Local organizers of these festivals provide maps with suggested routes to bridges nearby the festival sites.

I’ve always been intrigued by old covered, wood bridges, most of which were built in the 1800s to early 1900s, so I knew I wanted to try photographing as many as my time would allow.  I was not at all sure about how or when to best photograph the local bridges, having never visited any of them and having no idea of the setting, nor the lighting at various times of the day.

So one afternoon, with one of the maps to a few bridges, I headed to the northern most bridge on the map, planning to work my way south from there, visiting as many bridges as possible before dark.

My first stop was Cornstalk Bridge in Putnam County.

Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, Multiple Exposures, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.
Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Th first image is an HDR made from multiple exposures, while the second is a single exposure.  The exterior is brightly lit by the sunlight, but the interior is in shadow, so no single exposure will capture details in both the interior and exterior.  If the vegetation looks a bit blurred in the HDR, it is because it was a very windy day and anything moving between images complicates merging multiple exposures.  I’ve tried to minimize this “ghosting” effect, but I’m sure some remains.  These image look similar, but note that the interior is brighter in the HDR with more detail visible and the sky is not over exposed as it is in the single image.  The colors are also a little different between the images and maybe I should have paid more attention to the HDR color editing.  I think the single exposure colors are more accurate.

Cornstalk Interior HDR B&W. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 44mm, f/11, Multiple Exposures, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Shooting the dark interior with bright light coming through the top, side vents and from the opposite end of the bridge, also required resorting to HDR.  Even so, the exterior is over exposed.

Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 15mm, f/11, 1/13s, ISO 500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

In the second interior image, I minimized the effect of the exterior overexposure problem by shooting at a different angle, which allowed for a more effective use of a graduated neutral density filter; but the shutter speed is slow, so the vegetation seen through the vents and at the end of the bridge is blurry due to motion.  An HDR might have been a better choice for this type image, but I wasn’t keen on shooting the interior and I had more ground to cover this afternoon, so I did not take a lot of time inside the bridge.

Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 2500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

There was so much motion of the vegetation caused by the wind, that I had to use high ISO to get sufficiently fast shutter speed to freeze the motion.  The high ISO resulted in more noise, which I’ve tried to minimize in post processing.

Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 20mm, f/11, 1/500s, ISO 2000, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The exterior of Cornstalk was not easy to shoot.  I found a way down into the dry portion of the creek channel, but I could not get to a good view point, without wading through water and mud and I was not prepared to do that.  So my side shots here are limited to views from the creek shore.

Cornstalk covered bridge, Putnam County, Indiana. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/200s, ISO 500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

The image above is from the opposite end of the bridge from the first image.  The lighting on this end was different than on the other end, making the colors darker.  Even though it was cloudy, the sky was still bright, so I used a graduated neutral density filter to help balance the exposure across the entire image.  There is no distinct line between the sky and the rest of the image, so I put the dark portion of the filter over the entire image, with the darkest portion over the upper part.  This increases the color saturation of the entire image.

More on Indiana’s covered bridges to come,




Indiana Covered Bridges – October 2019 – Bakers Camp

The third bridge that I photographed in the afternoon of my first day of seeking covered bridges in Indiana was the Bakers Camp Bridge.

Bakers Camp Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 24mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 1250, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I made use of a fairly new looking fence in a grassy area on one side of the bridge as a leading line to the bridge.

At the end of the fence line, near the bridge, I found a way down to the edge of the creek from which I made several photographs with reflections of the bridge in the creek, after removing some distracting litter along the near shore line.  It is not always possible to physically remove distracting objects, but whenever it is, I like to do so, since that is far easier than having to remove the objects later in post processing.

Bakers Camp Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 22mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 1600, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Walking back up to the front of the bridge, I made the usual frontal close up to get the bridge name and date into a photograph.

Bakers Camp Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/160s, ISO 1600, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

I then walked onto the bridge to attempt shooting inside.  I stood on one side in case of traffic, which is not usually heavy across these country bridges, but not unusual either.  In fact, one friendly lady, driving an SUV, stopped momentarily to ask if I was getting good photographs.

Bakers Camp Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, multiple exposures, ISO 2500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

Since it is dark inside these bridges, I used a high ISO and, due to the bright light at the end and from the top side vents, I made multiple exposures, combining them into an HDR image in post processing.

I walked on through and made other images from the opposite end.

Bakers Camp Covered Bridge. Nikon D850, Nikon 14-24mm @ 14mm, f/11, 1/125s, ISO 2500, edited in Adobe Lightroom and DxO Nik modules.

More on Indiana covered bridges later,
