Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 6

Cuervo Ghost Town 31
Cuervo Ghost Town 32
Cuervo Ghost Town – Openness
Cuervo Ghost Town -Target Object

In rural U.S. it is not unusual to see bullet holes in abandoned objects and road signs.  This is perhaps a sign of the U.S. love affair with guns.  Shooting at such objects as this abandoned vehicle could put other in danger, since there are still a few people in this area and many vehicles pass through on I-40.

Cuervo Ghost Town – Abandoned Automobile

One can see in the image above an indication of the traffic along I-40 through Cuervo.  I usually tried to wait until there was no traffic in the background of my shots, but sometime that required more time than I had the patience for.

Cuervo Ghost Town – Abandoned Automobile
Cuervo Ghost Town 32

I made the shot of the kitchen area of this abandoned house through an open window, I think (or doorway, I don’t recall which).

Cuervo Ghost Town – Parting Shot

I made this last shot as I walked back towards my vehicle.

This concludes this series on the mostly abandoned community of Cuervo, New Mexico.  More history of this ghost town can be found here.

Thanks for following,


Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 5

Cuervo Ghost Town 25
Cuervo Ghost Town 26
Cuervo Ghost Town 27
Cuervo Ghost Town 28
Cuervo Ghost Town 29
Cuervo Ghost Town 30

To be continued,


Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 4

Cuervo Ghost Town 19

More photos of abandoned houses in Cuervo, New Mexico, taken as I was passing through, returning from another landscape photography destination.

Cuervo Ghost Town 20
Cuervo Ghost Town 21
Cuervo Ghost Town 22
Cuervo Ghost Town 23
Cuervo Ghost Town 24
Tumble Weeds and Tumble Boards
Cuervo Ghost Town 25

To be continued,


Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 3

Cuervo Ghost Town 13
Cuervo Ghost Town – Gravitational Distortion
Cuervo Ghost Town 14
Cuervo Ghost Town 15
Cuervo Ghost Town 16
Cuervo Ghost Town – Cholla Planter

Cholla cacti converts this abandoned washing machine into a planter.  This image was chosen by Flickr for its Explore page.

Cuervo Ghost Town 17
Cuervo Ghost Town – Even the Trees have Ghosts here
Cuervo Ghost Town 18

To be continued,


Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 2

Cuervo Ghost Town Church

This is the old church that first drew my attention to Cuervo, New Mexico, as I drove by along I-40, some years ago.  This time I took time to stop and photograph portions of this mostly ghost town.

Cuervo Ghost Town Church
Cuervo Ghost Town 8
Cuervo Ghost Town 9
Cuervo Ghost Town 10
Cuervo Ghost Town 11
Cuervo Ghost Town Water Tank
Cuervo Ghost Town 12

To be continued,


Cuervo, New Mexico, March 2023, Part 1

Cuervo, New Mexico is a small community along interstate I-40 in New Mexico.  It is mostly a ghost town, having been established as a railroad stop in 1901, then drying up when the railroad chose another stop in Tucumcari, NM.

I’ve driven this stretch of I-40 past Cuervo numerous times, first making a mental note of this place, when I spotted an old, picturesque church as I drove by at 75mph, thinking that someday I might want to stop in to photograph that old church.

I had spent the night near Gallup, NM, waking up to a snow covered vehicle and campground with temperature in the low 20s.  I drove through intermittent snow and rain that heavily overcast morning.  I figured the overcast sky would create the perfect environment for photographing in Cuervo, so I determined to take time to stop here today.  Atlas, as I drove along not paying attention to where I was, I drove past the only east bound exit for Cuervo.  I had to drive 7 or 8 miles to the next exit, make a U-turn and backtrack to Cuervo.  By the time I got back to Cuervo, most of the overcast had cleared and it was mostly bright and sunny.  But I was here and decided to walk around the small town, photographing the abandoned homes, anyway.

Cuervo Ghost Town 1
Cuervo Ghost Town 2
Cuervo Ghost Town 3
Cuervo Ghost Town 4
Cuervo Ghost Town 5
Cuervo Ghost Town 6 – Cali-Rose
Cuervo Ghost Town 7
Cuervo Ghost Town 8 – The Church

The old church is still somewhat maintained, at least.  The roof appears to be relatively new.

To be continued,
