Road Trip Photography Between Destinations – September 2022, Part 1

When traveling from one destination to another, I always keep an eye out for interesting subjects to photograph.  Taking time to stop and photograph in route helps to break up a trip and it is good to take breaks from sitting in a vehicle for hours at a time.  So if I can afford the time, I will stop as often as necessary to capture images along my route.

Fading Away

There are many abandoned homes throughout rural areas.  Often these can be photographed from a public roadway.  These abandoned places are always on private property and nearly always posted with “No Trespassing” signs.  Please respect others’ property and obey these postings or get permission for access.

Peeling – An abandoned rural church.
Abandoned Church
Bird House
Abandoned Farm or Ranch Home
Abandoned Home and Farm Sheds
Terrestrial Lean

When shooting such scenes during a road trip, one can’t be too choosy about the time of day or the lighting conditions.  It is best to get a shot, when the opportunity arrises, as one may never pass this way again.  Indeed, on this trip and others, I’ve often used the excuse of being in a hurry or worrying too much about  shooting conditions and passed up opportunities.  I nearly always regret those decisions.

More road trip shooting next,
