Happy New Year 2021!

2020 has been a year of much pain and suffering and inconveniences for most of the world.  As 2020 draws to a close, 2021 is showing promise of a better ending, but there are still dark days ahead in the early part of the new year.

As you celebrate the New Year, please stay safe and healthy.

Let’s all work to make 2021 a big improvement over 2020.

Best Wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year,


2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2021!”

  1. Well said Ken! I can only hope that 2021 will gradually improve, but it will take everyone to do their part as we attempt to irradicate this virus that has caused the deaths of so many people around the world and has disrupted life as we know it. I wish you and your family well in 2021.

    1. Thanks, Fay. I thought about putting a traditional festive image into this post, but it just not feel like a festive occasion this year.

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