After a day of other activities, I took another afternoon to visit more covered bridges in an area east of Indianapolis, Indiana. I started at Oakalla Bridge, just south of the last bridge (Dunbar) that I had visited during my first day of shooting covered bridges.

I think most of the covered bridges have some graffiti on or around them and Oakalla Bridge seems to be popular with those who like to mark things with graffiti. I saw some evidence of graffiti being painted over on the exterior of the bridge and other graffiti in the interior.

It is also easy to get down into the creek channel from one side of the bridge. The long log in the creek below the bridge even has graffiti on it.

There was plenty of room to move around on the wide sandy bank on one side of the bridge. I made numerous images from this area, but in the end, I only chose a couple of those as most representative of the bridge and its setting to include in this post.

More on Indiana covered bridges to come,