Boots and Bicycles, July 2021

As I approached the previously mentioned ranch fence line that was decorated with boots and bicycles, I noted a police officer’s vehicle with the police officer chatting with someone in another vehicle.  It appeared to be a friendly meeting and not a traffic stop.  I pulled over onto the broad shoulder of the roadway near the corner of the fence line, maybe twenty yards or so, from the two.  As I got out of my vehicle, and noted the police officer watching me, I waved and he began walking towards me, so I approached him.  My friendly wave had apparently made the police officer think I needed to speak to him or had a problem.  I explained that I wanted to photograph the fence line, but did not want to do anything forbidden.  He assured me it was ok to photograph the fence decor and told me a little about the local ranch and their penchant for the fence decor.

So I retrieved my camera from my vehicle and began to walk along the fence shooting photos.

Bicycles and Boots
Bicycles and Boots

I wanted to show the fence in its entirety with its allure, but I found it impossible to get a good overall view with my camera.  So I began to isolate smaller aspects of the decor.

Bicycles and Boots
Bicycles and Boots

I was soon joined at the fence by a ranch dog that vociferously objected to my presence.

Bicycle and Ranch Dog

This dog followed me along the fence line, maybe to make sure I did not cross over into his territory.

Bicycles and Boots

Soon a second ranch dog showed up.

Ranch Dogs

The second dog did not bark and seemed to have a calming effect upon the first.  Thereafter, they seemed friendlier and just curious about me.

Ranch Dog
Texas Ranch Fence Line
Fence Decor
Bicycle and Stuffed Animal along a fence line
Boots on a fence
Bicycles and Boots

Satisfied that I had sufficient photographs to illustrate this uniquely decorated fence line, I bade farewell to the ranch dogs and continued on my way.
